How to


Write with us

Susan Brearley
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2019


By Susan B

We are actively soliciting submissions! Email us at with a completed draft. We may update the submissions process later as we grow.

“Writing and sharing is a foundational element in connecting one person at a time, each to another, in a web that forms unbreakable bonds of community. Each time we post a story, we open a window to our soul, and through that window, people come to learn about us, yes, but more importantly, they find in these stories the reflection of their own humanity. Our stories serve to enlighten, inspire, and find the common ground of understanding we so desperately need in these times of multi-force and multi-faceted human designed divisive systems for information dissemination. On a platform like Medium, we find like minds, but we also find the new and novel ideas that we had not thought of before, that expand our frames of reference. This is why I created multiple publications, to attract a full diversity of voices. Voice is developed on many paths. Whether it’s poetry, essay, science or comedy, each voice is a facet on the buckyball of humanity.” — Susan Brearley

A few quick and easy rules:

  • We accept essays, creative nonfiction, prose, poetry, original photos of art work/drawings, stories of field research and actions you may have taken, first hand anecdotal stories that speak to our one-ness with each other and the planet and all that is in it. We seek to shine light on that Gaia spirit that runs deep within us — the mycellium that binds us — such that it inspires others to action and to make a difference in how we live. It’s a matter of life and death.
  • If we reject your work, we’ll make every attempt to tell you why and let you rework it to resubmit. We want to encourage connection, not discourage it. Your voice is important, and we have an important mission.

If your work is accepted, you’ll be contacted by an editor to work through an efficient, collaborative editing process. You will also need to be sure to have a Medium account so that we can publish your work under your own name.

Authors retain all rights to work published online here at Medium. Mark your pieces appropriately. You may publish metered or unmetered work. We prefer unmetered work such that more humans may view and be encouraged to participate.

You can write from anywhere. We are all one here.

By Susan B

Come join us. There’s a family of five publications you can write for.

Click for more Connections



Susan Brearley

Writing on Medium since 2016. Boost Nominator, EIC (8 publications), Entrepreneur, Coach, IMBA Community Leader, NGO Founder.