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Who Are We?

Susan Brearley
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2019


It’s the quintessential question. First, to ask, Who Am I? Because in asking the universe that question, you ask yourself. And then you listen deeply for the answer.

Then, we ask, Who Are We? Who are we as a collective, as humanity, human_beings, to each other? And who are we in relationship to our roots — to that which connects us all — to those elements that are both Aether and Earth, Father and Mother, Spirit and Elemental? Who Are We in relationship to all that also comes from the same primordial source we come from? Indigenous wisdom teaches that these elements be in balance. To honor one higher than another is not the way. To honor in balance and reciprocity brings harmony, love, and peace. Humanity has been out of balance for a very long period of time. Can we make reparations and repair the damage? Can we bring the spirit of the Mother into full view, with compassion, love, respect and honor?

As we are born of our mother’s womb, we are also born out of our original mother, our beautiful blue planet, our Mother Earth. She sustains us with all we need — air, water, nourishment, food. How we honor our mother and our connections to all that is part of her and from her, is the contemplation of this publication.

Here we are — all alive, reading these words, in this period of exploration of who we are as humans. How we honor our Mother NOW will make all the difference in how we, her children, will move forward together in her embrace. All mothers have patience. To a point. The time for dishonoring her is over. Time is not on our side. It is not yet too late. Let’s share our spirit, and inspire others to honor the Mother.

We invite you to explore these connections together by sharing your experiences of this profound interconnectivity.

Ichi Wa Zen, Zen Wa Ichi.



Susan Brearley

CA2016 EIC MuddyUm-Contemplate-Garden of Neuro-Summit-Connections-Entropies-Wordsmiths' Weekly, Native Voice. Co-editor Brain Labs and Ooh-Nom-Ahhh-Tuh-PEE-uh-