8 Activities that improved my wellbeing

Matt Ellis
Law of Potential
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2021

They may also help you

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

A few years ago I needed a bit of a reset and took some time to come up with a checklist of things that when I am doing them, I am feeling and performing at my best.

I landed on eight activities along with some questions that I can ask myself to measure how I am tracking. They have been very helpful for me and you may resonate and benefit from some of them as well.


Prayer is an acknowledgement that we rely on a power far greater than ourselves to even exist on Earth. It is surrendering our will to the creator of the Universe and recognising that all good things come from God. Prayer is also a great opportunity to ask God to bless others and to empower you to bring goodness into the world.

Ask Yourself:

Am I connecting with the source of all truth, beauty and goodness each day?

Who can I ask God to bless today?

Engage Your Brain

Using our brains is a lot like using our muscles. The more we actively engage our brains the more effective we are. We can engage our brains in a number of ways including reading about new topics, listening to podcasts, engaging in dialogue with people of diverse point of views, brainstorming ideas along with many other options you may choose. Prioritising your brain as a muscle to develop and grow is an excellent step towards improving your wellbeing.

Ask Yourself:

How can I engage my brain today?

Will I challenge myself to think critically and explore truth?

What is something new I can learn about?


The majority of sensible people would strongly agree that there are undoubtedly many benefits of physical activity. Knowing that physical activity is beneficial is one thing but to ensure physical activity is part of your daily routine is another proposition altogether.

Often I have found myself with excuses as to why I do not have time to exercise. However, establishing routines that include physical activity not only help my body, they also improve my emotional well being.

Ask yourself:

Am I looking after my body?

What steps am I taking today to help me reach peak condition?

Is there a way I can incorporate physical activity in my daily routine?


Forming the habit of reading is one of the best things you can do to improve your knowledge and understanding. As mentioned above, it is one of the key ways we can engage our brains and it is also a great way to relax. Reading for pleasure is a wonderful reward for yourself and in my opinion a far better option than switching on the television.

Ask Yourself:

Am I reading something each day that inspires me to be better than I was yesterday?


It was Mother Teresa who once said “Love begins at home and it is not how much we do but how much love we put into that action”. When it comes to service, starting with the people who live in your house is the best place to begin. If you live alone, you may wish to start with your neighbour or someone that you work with. When we are thinking outside of ourselves, it enables us to take our focus away from our own concerns and be a gift to someone else. Small acts of kindness over time can make a significant difference to the lives of others.

Ask Yourself:

What is my gift to the world today?

How can I make life better for someone else?

What could I do to be a joyful event in the life of someone else?


The COVID-19 lockdown lifestyle has certainly again reminded me about the importance of connection. Learning to make our interactions meaningful and connecting on deeper than a surface level with others takes time and commitment. It is certainly worth your time to listen to others, give them your full attention and show them that they are important to you. People are important and showing others that you care about them can make a significant difference.

Ask Yourself:

Am I fully present when I am with others?

Do I listen and show genuine care for people?

Am I connecting well with my loved ones?


Journal writing is one of the best ways I have found to reflect on my day. It is a widely used method for processing events and understanding our emotions better. Writing is such a powerful tool that is well worth the time and energy and one that over time will bear fruit for those that prioritise it.

Ask Yourself:

What have I done well today?

How can I be better tomorrow?

What is something I have learned about myself today?

How could I approach things differently?


I feel like rest is one of the most underrated superpowers available to human beings. As a father of three children, I totally understand that for parents, it may not always be possible to get optimal amounts of rest but there are some practical measures we can take to prioritise rest and ensure that we do not burn ourselves out.

Ask Yourself:

Is rest a priority in my life?

Am I allowing myself enough margin in my day to be refreshed?

Do I get to bed on time?

Having this list has been a helpful reminder for me in times when I have needed to reset my priorities and I hope it can be of benefit to you as well.



Matt Ellis
Law of Potential

43 | Burrabadine 🇦🇺| Love God ✝️ | 40:31 🦅 ❤️Others | Love Self | 🏏📚🎤 Your value as a person is exponentially greater than the sum of your achievements.