The Struggle of Monk Mode

Luke Owen
Law of Potential
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2023

Nobody said this was going to be easy

The time is currently 22:55 — This is day 2 of my 21 day Monk mode journey.

For those of you just tuning in, monk mode can generally be sumarised as giving yourself a good kick up the backside — in order to achieve a goal or get your life back on track.

For me that involves giving up alcohol, coffee, chocolate and sex. All the good things! Meditating and exercising daily, and last but not least publishing one story a day on Medium.

Today’s story is almost finished, but needs a little extra work. So I’ll publish that tomorrow.

Today my thoughts have been on meditation. It feels like this is such an important part of the puzzle.

I have practiced meditation on and off in the past, and every time I do it for longer periods of time my life begins to be improve in a law of attraction type of way.

I’m sure it will be interesting to monitor what happens over the next few weeks and report back. I’d love to here your thoughts on this as well.

If this is all new to you then definitely check out Joe Dispenza on YouTube.

Anyway if you got to this far well done. Normal service will resume tomorrow — content that can actually add value to your life…

Buenas Noches!



Luke Owen
Law of Potential

Just an imposter pretending to be a writer | UK based | I write to help others reach their full potential.