Don’t Wait to be Chosen: How to Secure Your Dream Summer Law Position!

Gabrielle Guizzo
Law School Life and Beyond
4 min readJan 15, 2021


When going through the recruiting process, students are constantly worried about being chosen by a law firm. A lucky few have multiple offers and have the ability to choose what firm they will work for that summer. I think it’s important that students switch up the dynamic to create the conditions and ability for themselves to choose their firm, instead of hanging on to a hope and prayer that a firm offers you a job.

1. Select Your Geographic Location

Ask yourself this, where do I hope to live in the future? The most common responses are Toronto, Calgary, or Ottawa, but this may not apply to you. When selecting a location of where you hope to live, it’s important to note that firms look for a sincere commitment to a geographic location that provides evidence to them that you are looking for longevity with that firm. This can then increase your attractiveness to a potential employer. I would like to note that you can have more than one location of interest, but I would try to limit it to two, maybe three areas.

2. Research Law Firms

Once you have decided on the location you hope to find employment in, look at the firms in those areas. Analyze their websites, see the types of law they specialize in, the cases they have worked on, the firm’s mantra, etc. You want to get a feel for the firm, and ask yourself if you can see yourself working there. Take notes and maybe do a general search of each firm you have chosen to look at, and then have a narrow list of your top few choices.

3. Reach Out!

Now, this is an important step! Reach out to the articling students, new lawyers, and past summer students of the firms you are most interested in. It is important to establish an early relationship because you can get a better idea of the firm, and its people. Have a set list of questions you will ask all the lawyers and a more specific set of questions relating to the person and their firm. Let them do most of the talking…DO NOT talk a lot about yourself and be mindful of their time, so cap the meeting to 30 minutes. You can find an individual’s contact information on the firm’s website or on LinkedIn.

4. Follow up

Do not be afraid to follow up. It allows them to establish a better relationship with you. You will be able to ask if you can reference your communications with the person on your reference letter. The firms will reach out to these individuals, and if they like you, it can help secure you an interview at their firm.

5. Be selective in your extracurriculars and choose your courses wisely

When you look at these firms and their experiences, you want to select courses that match the firm’s focus. If you are looking at family law firms, take family law; if the firm is focused on corporate law, take bankruptcy or commercial law. In addition, try to focus on extracurriculars that can provide a unique experience or be of interest to the firm, such as mooting. This will help you when tailoring your cover letter and resume to that firm.

6. Tailor your Cover Letter to that Firm

This is where you will use your prior research, mention the name of your connections, as well as reference all the courses and experiences that will help make you an asset to that firm. Make sure you use buzz words that you found on the firm’s website, and work to prove how you and that firm are a perfect match!

7. Tell your top choice that they are your top choice!

When going through the recruitment process, there are a lot of information sessions. From these sessions, I’ve learned an important tip. If you have gotten far in the firm’s recruiting process and realize that decision making time is around the corner, let your top choice firm know they are your top choice. DO NOT tell more than one firm this and DO NOT say this during your first interview or cover letter! This is not a phrase taken lightly by firms; they are golden words, if you will, and they are to be used at the right time, as they could help you secure a position at your dream firm.


As I have mentioned before, have a few top choices. Do not tailor everything you do to one firm. You may be a strong candidate, but the recruiting process is competitive. It is important to have options, so if you do not get your top choice, you could still land a firm that has a workplace environment that you know you can thrive and grow in.

