Work Hard, Play Hard

Misha Apel
Law School Life and Beyond
2 min readOct 15, 2021


As the semester gets busier, here is your reminder to check in on your mental health.

We are approaching the halfway mark of first semester, which means you still have halfway to go. Keep your energy up by adopting some strategies to maintain balance.

1) Do something to let your brain relax.

If you didn’t already know, law students use their brains all day! Try to take up an activity that lets you relax but still keeps you busy.

I took up paint by numbers because I didn’t have the patience to choose where colours go and liked when it just told me where to paint.

You can try listening to a podcast while you cook or clean, do sudoku, meditate, get an adult colouring book, read a book (for pleasure), take care of your plants, organize your closet…whatever works for you!

2) Do something to move your body.

We’ve all heard this before, but it is so important to get exercise during the day. Try for 30 minutes. This can be a full workout, a walk, some yoga…whatever floats your boat. If 30 minutes is too much, try a 10-minute stretch in the morning! But also, don’t get down on yourself if you struggle to get into the habit, or miss a day. Do what you need.

3) Do something that you love.

Whether this is hanging out with friends or family, playing sports, just do something that brings you joy. Maintaining your hobbies and sources of happiness and support are crucial to your success. There will always be more work to do, so take some time to enjoy the life that you’re living too!

BONUS: Do something away from technology and screens!

It’s all about maintaining balance.

Work hard, play hard and you’re sure to be set for success.

PS: If you have a reading week/break, use it to your advantage. Try to get caught up or start prepping your notes. It’s the perfect time to hunker down. But also use this time to ground yourself, spend time with family or friends, or just do something that you enjoy!

