Medicinal & Online Store Analytical Data

Sidney Zdenek Hornych
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2019

During one of the ayahuasca ceremonies I attended, a Peruvian shaman offered rapé medicine in the early morning. I was considering it even I haven’t heard about it before. Silvestr, one of ayahuasca circle participant, was brave and raised his hand. When I saw what the medicine did with Silvestr, it was clear to me that I’m not going to participate. :)

A few months later, one of the best friends offered rapé to us and for some reason, I gave it a try. I had full trust as it was the same guy who opened a gate for me to ayahuasca ceremonies.

I let him blew rapé to my nostrils. The effect was out of this world. Grounding, calming, clearing thoughts. Instant focus and clear vision.

I bought the first rapé medicine soon after this experience. As I was waiting for our first tepi and kuripe pipes to get delivered. It took an eternity and I was not patient enough, so I decided to craft my own pipes.

One of my personal tepi. I call it Giant Tepi.

And I fell in love with it. We felt we should share rapé medicine and pipes across our friends. A major milestone in our new journey begun.

When I’m writing this, it’s over a year since we started own Shamanic kuripe and tepi pipes online shop.

The dining room has changed to a workshop where we can craft all our products and we eat at a small table in the kitchen. The workshop allowed us to work on new products such as candles, necklaces, amulets, pouches.

Myself crafting a new kuripe (self-applicator) pipe.

As you might notice from my other articles, I love data. And since the data about the store is interesting for me, I decided to share some with you, shamanic rapé users, other pipe sellers and anyone who is interested. We wish to organize a joint market with other sellers, panel discussion, Q/A and private sessions for interested people. The idea at the beginning stage, yet.

The stats

To date, we sold over 1,600 kuripe and tepi pipes and customers from 91 countries are visiting our store.

The main interest comes from the United States (46.32%), followed by Germany (6.12%), The United Kingdom (5.49%), Australia (3.70%), Canada (3.63%), Italy (3.57%), France (3.06%), The Czech Republic (2.72%) — BIG YAY!, Spain (2.43%), Netherland (2.20%), Poland (1.33%) and other 79 countries.

CAMOSHI Medicinal customers & visitors geolocation.

Around 15% of visitors are returning and buying new pipes to their collection as a travel set, or to have multiple tools to use based on the mood and purpose.

I personally have around 6 kuripe pipes and 9 tepi pipes as I host small rapé ceremonies for friends. Every pipe has different airflow and strength. I decide which one to use based on rapé receiver and the situation.

Apple black mirrors everywhere

52.19% of our customers use Apple device — iPhone 46.92%, iPad (5.27%).

Over 59% of our traffic is mobile. This keeps surprising me, I know that world mobile data traffic exceeded desktop data traffic already in 2018, but when I’m looking for a product I love to use my laptop to get the most of the pictures. Seems the majority sees this differently.

Chrome is the king

Today’s last stat is about browsers. Chrome won this challenge with 49.7% usage, followed by Safari (36.86%), Firefox (5.06%), Samsung Internet (3.4%), Opera (0.90%), Internet Explorer (0.80%) — hey buddy, you still here!, Amazon Silk (0.19%) and few others.

During the last 3–4 months, we are getting more and more requests for custom engravings. I will dig in the data to understand why this is happening just recently and not before.

One of CAMOSHI Medicinal custom engraving.

Custom engravings we made so far include star system, Sanskrit pray, a tattoo of the future pipe owner, spiritual symbols and other. All these nice requests are welcomed. It’s always great to make something new and something that works for the pipe owner.

Joy and love.

