Sunday LegalTech Roundup — 14th October 2018

Matthew Pennington
LegalTech News & Reviews
3 min readOct 14, 2018

LegalTech Silos Are On The Rise, and That’s Bad

In a guest article for Artificial Lawyer Tom Braegelmann, Lawyer at German law firm BBL talks about how the blooming legalTech landscape is locking itself into new silos and why that is bad.

Cybersecurity technology now top priority for UK law firms

Peer group analysis published by HSBC in an annual report conducted on the legal sector, showed that spending on new cybersecurity technology was now the top priority for law firms, coming in above AI.

How tech leaders can combat bias in AI systems

Rebecca Parsons of ThoughtWorks explains why AI bias is so dangerous for companies in an interview with TechRepublic’s Alison DeNisco Rayome.

Technomancers recently reviewed five tools for detecting Algorithmic Bias in AI.

Manchester Law & Technology Initiative officially launches

The Manchester Law & Technology Initiative — a new industry-academia initiative on Legal Technology, has officially launched. Hailed as the first research collaboration of its type in the UK, the initiative aims to bring together business and academic expertise to address the key questions around the potential application and the impacts of digital technology in legal services provision.

UniCourt: Legal Tech For Access To Justice — Part 2

Mary Juette, CEO of Traklight & former CEO of Evolve Law (sold to Above the Law) catches up with Josh Blandi of UniCourt in in Forbes. In part two Josh and Mary focus on the use of technology to improve access to justice and finishing with a few tips for budding entrepreneurs.

Part one was mentioned in our 30th September roundup.

Law Firm Innovation with Nick Rishwain — Part 2

Second instalment of an interview on the dealcloser blog with Nick Rishwain — VP of Client Relations and Development at and co-Creator of Legal Tech Live. The first installment was mentioned in our 30th September roundup.

This week, Nick tells dealcloser what he thinks about legal technology in the legal market, as well as why law firms are slow to adopt legal technology.

DoNotPay Founder Joshua Browder On Replacing Lawyers with Bots

DoNotPay has just released a series of apps designed to help consumers solve common legal problems without the help of a lawyer.

Geovation and MDR Lab’s Graduate Thirdfort announces £400k seed funding

Billed as “the safest and easiest way to buy or sell a property”, proptech startup Thirdfort announced at the Geovation Autumn Showcase that they had secured 400k in seed funding. Thirdfort is an escrow based service intended to mitigate some of the risks associated with Friday Afternoon Fraud, by removing the risk of fund transfers into and out of the solicitors bank account.

LegalTech App Store Launches

Legal IT Insider reports that in a bid to create what is effectively a legal tech ‘App Store’ to help law firms deploy cloud-based computer applications without concerns over security and to help them rationalise costs, Reynen Court has launched a services automation platform with the input of 12 heavyweight firms co-chaired by Latham & Watkins and Clifford Chance.

Photo by Grant Durr on Unsplash

Originally published at Technomancers — LegalTech Blog.

