A Year of Layer One to be Thankful For

Layer One
Layer One
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2017

It’s been quite a year for Layer One and with the US holiday spirit in mind, we thought we’d take a quick moment to reflect and share what we’re thankful for this week.

Last year this time, we were fast at work rebuilding our entire platform. Within a couple of months, we’d made a lot of progress, but weren’t hitting the mark where we wanted to be. So we made changes. And then more changes. And then a few more… Finally, in June, we felt confident in what we’d collectively put together and made the bold decision to go back into Beta with our new platform.

It was an incredible feeling hitting the Go Live and watching our concurrent users rise up — even more exciting to see reactions from Twitter and on streams from the very users we’d been hoping to help. It was immediately back to the grind to come out with new features and we’ve been blessed with some of the most passionate users who bring us such interesting ideas to toy with in our shop.

Since that day, we’ve had the pleasure of:

  • Adding 10+ cards to our core Dashboard
  • Meeting so many incredible people at events over the past year who help inspire us everyday
  • Bringing on Jason (@impius)Launching our Help Desk to ensure 24h self-service for how-to guides while continuing to provide our rapid personal support via Twitter & email
  • Launched our community Discord where we routinely get to hang out with some of the most awesome folks
  • Been part of Twitch Developers launch with our Calendar Extension which has been installed over 12,000 times!

All of this pales however in the best part of our year: Giving over 13,000 users the benefit of one window to rule them all.

From all of the Layer One team, THANK YOU for making everything we do possible. We’re planning out the next year & our roadmap to continue making your streams easier to run. Keep chasing your passion, we are here to help you along the way.

