An Eerily Good Update

Layer One
Layer One
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2017

We hope you all are having an amazing spooky week with a very Happy Halloween! We’re coming back up from the depths of our post TwitchCon haze to find ourselves with a system update for all our favorite ghosts and goblins.

TwitchCon Treats

The team had an incredible TwitchCon 2017 and without a doubt, much of it was based upon the incredible outpouring of support and affection we got from our users. So many of you shared personal stories about how Layer One has helped you optimize your casting experience and we couldn’t have been more humbled. We met with partners, affiliates, hobbiests, moderators, managers, and so many more that our collective brains are literally humming with ideas and concepts for all your feature requests.

Bottom line: Thank You.

Thank you for helping us improve, cheering for this passion project we all share, and telling us where the bar is so we can keep reaching for it.

A Whole Bag of Goodies

Imbued with your enthusiasm, the team dove into the code upon returning home and have cooked up some improvements to our base platform we know you’ll enjoy. The goal with this update was to tidy up our core experience with some polishes to help everyone enjoy their dashboards just a little bit more (also, nothing makes for a good reminder of the little things than demoing your product every day in front of real users, right?).

With that, here is your Spooky Layer One Update!

The Layer One Team post-TwitchCon exhaustion

Bug Fixes:

  • Delete cards sometimes not working
  • Not being able drag cards after choosing a preset
  • Dashboard reloading cards every time a change is made (should give everyone a huge performance boost)
  • Counter cards tamed so they won’t refuse to be added sometimes
  • Loading screen now stays visible until dashboard is loaded
  • Notifications sometimes would use data from the wrong user when switching from a moderator dashboard
  • Text overflowing in Add Moderator wizard
  • Notification settings rendered incorrectly when on small width. (More to come here soon)
  • Audience chart sometimes not rendering correctly
  • Tweaked ban logs text context highlight to match theme


  • Adjusted how cards move around when re-positioning dashboard cards
  • Added some fancy animations
  • Added ability to hide users in ban logs (for when the name was cause enough)
  • Added ability to hide all names in ban logs

In addition, we’ve made some updates to the architecture to help us advance the needle just a little bit more and now we’re diving into some fun features you’ve all made abundantly clear we need.

We hope you have a great week, a fun holiday, and we look forward to sharing more soon from all of us at Layer One. Until next time, find us on Discord and Twitter!


The Layer One Team

