#TwitchCon Bound!

Layer One
Layer One
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2017

Hamsters fed & wheels are up! Earlier this week we put the finishing touches on our latest update and wanted to take a moment to let you know the awesome stuff we have planned for our first Full Team Twitch Convention!

Who is coming?

With the incredible year we’ve had, we knew the opportunity to be together and meet with the people we care about most (hint: you streamers!) was too good to pass up. The whole team will be flying out and for some of us, it will be the first time we meet in person after countless hundreds of hours in calls making Layer One such an incredible product. With that, here’s the team - be sure to follow them on Twitter for updates! Bonus points if you notice a theme…

Josh — CEO

As a Co-founder of Layer One, Josh never stops seeking new ways to improve the lives of others whether its via killer software, business advice, or finding the foodie spot in any of his travel destinations.

Thom — CTO

The sass of the Co-founder outfit, Thom embodies the passion of Layer One for their users. He’s the one sending late night Slack messages bursting with ideas and concepts for the next feature.

Jess (aka PetraCat) — Operations

Under the term "multi-career," you’ll find a photo of Jess. A project manager to the core, Jess handles our Operations with a keen eye towards user satisfaction. Our priorities are never far from her mind. Oh, and she streams!

Jed — Engineering

Hailing from the United Kingdom, Jed is a self-taught full stack developer comfortable in back or front end systems. Current activities include swimming to offset all the donut kudos we give him.

Johnny — Business

An industry veteran from Xbox and Amazon, Johnny brings calm, diligence, and a love of good brew to the crew. He asks hard questions and always looks to help keep Layer One reaching for the stars.

Jason — Support

When not weaving tales on his Dungeons & Distractions channel, Jason is taking care of our users. Need to know how to do something in Layer One? Jason’s your guy.

What are we going to be doing?

Hopefully talking to all of our wonderful users, current and future! What’s working? What’s not? How can we help? We have big plans coming up so stay tuned or ask for a sneak peek.

If you’re interested in a meeting with one of us, don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll find a time to chat. We’ll be on the Expo floor, rocking our new staff shirts, and moonlighting around the evening’s listing of events so don’t hesitate to nab us and say hi. We love hearing from you!

We look forward to seeing you all and sharing news soon about some exciting new features we have for our incredible Layer One family.

See you on the show floor!

