Layer Dev Update — August 13 ‘18

Quick weekly updates from the dev team

Team @ The Layer Protocol
Layer Protocol
1 min readAug 15, 2018


Overall Progress

We hosted a live version of the identity signer app, and although we encountered some issues with the identity hash generation, we still made progress on two versions of the Layer SDK.

We continue to work on the Layer SDKs and add polish to the identity signer app. Additionally we will do more work on the claim identity logic in the Core and finish all of 3 major API endpoints (with limited functionality) in the Layer Nodes.

Layer Nodes

Core smart contract interaction are limited to approved providers & Nodes
✅ Local database sync
✅ New database models, and updated database layer for keeping local sync
✅ Add full identity POST API and started PRS API


✅ Extend relay and upgradable functions to all contracts
✅ Code Review and extend test coverage for core functionality
✅ Approval data to core contracts to provide path to community voting in future


✅ Tweak layer signer reference server for integration to Layer SDK
✅ Hosted live version of Layer signer app
✅ Continued work on two SDKs, work the focus on AssetProvider authentication and generation of identity hashes

