Layer Dev Update — Oct 1st ‘18

Quick weekly updates from the dev team

Team @ The Layer Protocol
Layer Protocol
1 min readOct 6, 2018


Last week we did a lot of work on the Layer Core. We implemented new solidity contracts for handling payment escrow/stored balance. Since transactions are pretty slow on the Ethereum network, a provider can “pre-pay” a bunch of queries with the API. Layer Nodes can then run compute operations against this balance, which results in more performant computing/sharing results.

This week we will be finishing the payments logic. Vetted (and eventually elected) users will be able to stake LRX to become a Layer Node, and providers can currently lock it up in a store balance. We are currently developing the billing mechanism from the Nodes, so they can actually charge the users. We are also adding continual improvements to the score computation algorithm.


✅ Implement a provider balance escrow contract
✅ Add a reload balance function to the LRX token contract
✅ Nodes are able to charge verified transactions to an escrows contract address

Layer Nodes

✅ Map out logic for billing prepaid compute
✅ Store data to IPFS to keep the request log decentralized, instead of just on a local cache
✅ Update EVM scanning logic, and logic to freeze queries in the event of a partition from ETH network (favoring consistency)


✅ Update SDKs for latest functionality
✅ Update the Layer signer for enhanced claim logic
✅ Work on private network demo utility

