Layer Dev Update — Sept 10th ‘18

Quick weekly updates from the dev team

Team @ The Layer Protocol
Layer Protocol
1 min readSep 13, 2018


Last week we worked on SDKs and Layer Node logic, and prepped for the integration of LRX token into the main system. The upcoming features are the last pieces needed before we can start to add utility to the LRX tokens — including token staking and paid Node computation.

This week we will be working more on scoring aspects and building up the LRX token. Additionally, we have put together a demo utility scheduled for development this month (addition to the original roadmap). We will use this to serve as a sales demo for potential partner companies to test the Layer Protocol in a private environment.


✅ Update smart contracts and finish distributed data integration into the Layer Nodes

✅ Map out LRX token utility — added in project docs, payment handling design, and preparation for implementation of the LRX contracts

✅ Management functions for Node administration

Layer Nodes

✅ P2P layer to sync data between nodes

✅ Tests and exception handling

✅ More work towards score computations

✅ Better request/data handling through idempotence


✅ Signer updates and handle integration of signer to ERC725 contract claim methods

✅ Updated functionality on layer-py, and published new version to the Python package manger

✅ Continually builds of Ruby and Javascript SDKs

