Layer Dev Update — Sept 3rd ‘18

Quick weekly updates from the dev team

Team @ The Layer Protocol
Layer Protocol
1 min readSep 7, 2018


Last week, we worked mostly on further integration, test of the data modification, request into the Node, testing and tuning the P2P structure, and building out the SDKs. We have an internal release on one of the Layer SDKs, and are working on integrating it to other components this week.

This week, we will be expanding Layer Node functionality with computation, and integrating LRX token to API calls and continuing SDK development.


Ropsten Update: Deploy an updated version of all contracts to the Ropsten network to integrate Ethereum network data into all Nodes

Layer Nodes

Identity Request Updates​: Update and optimize identity requests to handle P2P sharing and computation with Nodes

Daemonization Progress​: Clean up package to run in background long term on our private development network

All APIs Integrated: All Node APIs are now functional


​Python SDK​: Integrate Python SDK functionality into Nodes, including tests

Other SDKs​: Create initial package, handle identity request generation and signature

Signer Interaction: Expand signer integration into the Layer SDKs

