Ctrl Hub

Case study | Design and build of a bespoke project management and data verification platform and full rebrand for Ctrl Hub.

James Hanson
Layers Studio
2 min readApr 26, 2018


The challenge

The mission was to create an online platform that would deliver a better workflow and safer environment for management, team leaders, operatives and the customer across construction and utilities companies. The goal was to remove endless paper trails and improve efficiency and compliance particularly with regard to health and safety.

A complete re-brand was required to make Ctrl Hub visually engaging, and represent the efficient and progressive functionality of the platform.

The result

Industry Driven Innovation

Ctrl Hub is the product of collaboration between industry professionals from the utilities and construction sectors. Layers worked with Ctrl Hub to gain a total understanding of the systems and processes they needed to streamline their practices and deliver an effective paperless solution that was also fully auditable. A simple health and safety monitoring tool has evolved into a fully integrated operating system.

Ctrl Hub delivers:

  • Real time reporting and collaboration
  • Paperless peace of mind
  • Essential notifications and checks

The platform replaces out dated systems that have too much potential for error, the automated electronic processes ensure that every step is recorded, notifications are sent for certificate updates and training requirements. Project folders are easily transferred within the platform.

“Ctrl Hub is revolutionising the way that we work and how we manage our supply chain. The efficiencies it offers are fantastic.”

Sam Mannion of Northern Gas Networks Limited

Visit: Ctrl Hub

