Start me up in a startup

Layers Studio
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2016


Layers recently sat on a panel made up of four other companies from Campus North to discuss how startups work. The students were, in-the-main, from business development courses and the title of their course was an answer the majority gave, when asked: What do you do?

Their answer, not a surprising one from young(er) students, troubled us though and we encouraged them to come up with a better one if their goal was to break into the world of startup companies.

At the moment interest from graduates is peaking. The internet, as well as entertainment like The Social Network and Silicone Valley have sold a new startup dream for youngsters to straddle, firmly clutching their idea, and hurtle towards a fortune.

It’s a successful re-brand of the staid, grey-suit-wearing, “muppet” shouting Alan Sugar era. And now, where new business suggests hard work, startup is all about great potential. The truth is, hard work and a laser focus remain the absolute foundation for any great potential to be realised.

For students looking to get hired by a startup

Firstly remember the funds of the big company aren’t available. This means any mistakes are major and salaries are a big investment, so you need to be completely clear about what you’re going to bring to the smaller table.

A good example came from two Biochemical Research Students at the discussion, who were very keen to get involved. Loving the idea of being part of the decisions and having a direct impact on the business, they were also very aware that a job advert stating: ‘NEW ROLE — Startup wants Biochemical Research PHD graduate’, was unlikely to surface.

So we came back to their answer for what do you do? We suggested a better response would be:

“I’m really passionate about data analysis and interpreting the results of data in scientific methods to determine what are the most likely; causes or effects.”

Now that’s something exciting and filled with potential that’s going to turn a lot of startups on.

Because if you’re a student looking to break into the likes of a Campus North in Newcastle upon Tyne, then you need to really sell what you’re good at, why you care and how you’re going to dive in with two feet.

If it sounds too much, then start off by looking at the big company and see how you get on. These jobs will have structure and stability, and if you don’t know exactly what makes you tick yet, this is going to be a vital step on the way to starting up any smaller (more personal) dream.



Layers Studio

We’re a Digital Branding Studio in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. We write, design and develop to make brands special.