Andrew Donaghy
Layers Studio
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017

“They look reasonable.” “That looks pricey.” To customers on the lookout for what you’re selling; how you appear, what you say and the way you say it, all add up to a perceived value that they’ll very quickly decide is for them or not for them.

Branding is for the uninitiated and fans of products. It speaks to what’s behind a product. The thought, the skill, the care and ultimately the quality. It also reflects back onto people’s own values, interests and lifestyles.

If you’re a bottle of gin, you’re going to be sat next to 10 other bottles of gin. If you’re a pair of jeans there’s going to be five other logos of jean makers vying for your customer’s attention. This means you’ve got to appeal.

Your brand is what makes you appealing. If everything is done to a high standard then people expect those standards from the product (or service). So if you’re brand’s better than your competitors, yours will ordinarily triumph when it comes to the sale.

However, the journey to reaching this ‘high standard’ is not as simple as you may think. Because it has to be genuine and your competitors have to be considered.

As a small team of specialists Layers’ work directly with clients to find out what makes them, the owner or founder and larger team, tick and why their product exists in the world.

We need to know what difference it’s going to make to people. And don’t think, oh how can you get so deep about pillows, becasue the truth is — you can. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, it just has to bring out the energy and purpose of what brought the product into the world.

Once we articulate that, we can design it and we can build the online (and offline) stuff. Whether it’s an e-commerce site, the mothership of all web applications, or whether it’s the packaging for a lovely bottle of gin.

When you get your brand right and true, it can do wonderful things for you and your customers.

