Why Streaming Will Increase Creativity in Media

Alec Ellin
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2015

1) Streaming is Everywhere (almost)

People from around the world can now listen to the same audio and video whenever they want, unless they’re in China. Or Egypt. Ok it’s almost everywhere. That means more diverse creators and streamers.

2) It’s cheap for consumers

Unlimited music for $9.99? Billions of hours of free video on youtube? This is cheap. Lower costs = more streamers = more creators which = more content.

Sure, a lot of it will suck, but there will also be a lot of great content that never would’ve been made otherwise.

3) The money will go towards content that lasts

Now that we’re in the age of pay per play, you better make something that people listen to or watch often. Say goodbye to the one hit wonders. Okay, maybe not. But those people aren’t getting paid and it’s about time.

4) There’s more funding

Go watch Master of None on Netflix. That show ain’t getting made if cable was still the only way to get views. Now that there are tons of companies paying for content, there’s also tons of content getting made and paid for. And it’s (finally) not by the same white dudes every time.

5) It’s cheap for creators

What used to take a production studio, marketing team, manager, agent and more can now be done with Ableton or Final Cut and an internet connection.

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Alec Ellin
Editor for

Co-founder at Laylo. Winner of MIDEM 2018. Graduate of Newhouse School of Communications. I write about music, tech and culture.