Clinton and Lewinsky Scandal

The story of how a government shutdown and an unpaid intern in 1995, led to the second ever impeached President .

Cormac Barry
Layman’s Terms
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2021


Who is Monica Lewinsky?

Monica Lewinsky is a political activist and television personality, but before this, she was thrown into the public spotlight when she started an internship at the Whitehouse as a 21-year-old.

Who is Bill Clinton?

U.S. President- come on, you should know this.

As Luck would have it….

The first strange thing about this whole scandal is how did an unpaid intern even get to be in the same room as the President of the United States?? Her time at the Whitehouse coincided with a Government Shutdown (this is when the government shut down all ‘non-essential’ services due to the failure to pass legislation- in this case, on education). This led to Lewinsky dealing with work much above her non-existent pay-wage. Clinton would often come across Lewinsky when she was working with the Chief of Staff, and they would, as she put, have ‘continued flirtations’ when they would cross paths.

I won’t get into the nitty gritty, but these ‘flirtations’ escalated and led to an 18-month secret affair which included 10 sexual encounters and a number of luxury gifts (I’m assuming mostly given by Clinton). Lewinsky was later transfer to the Pentagon to work, leading to the end of their affair and separation from the man she later confessed to have loved at the time.

During her time at the Pentagon, Lewinsky befriended Linda Tripp, who had coincidentally come forward to talk about Clinton’s sexual harassment allegations towards another woman named Kathleen Willey. Lewinsky divulged details of her affair with Clinton to Tripp, and after a while, Tripp began to record them unbeknownst to Lewinsky. Lewinsky remained in contact with Clinton continuing to have phone sex until 1997, when Clinton ended their sexual relationship as now, he was 40, he wanted to make a concerted effort to be faithful. What a nice guy.

Deny, Deny, Deny

Just 3 days after the end of their relationship, the Supreme Court decided to proceed with a sexual harassment case against Clinton put forward by Paula Jones, a colleague of his when he was Governor of Arkansas. Meanwhile, Clinton was pushing to get a job for Lewinsky in the White House- an effort in vain as she eventually took a job in the private sector instead.

Lewinsky was named as a potential witness in the Jones case as the lawyers wanted to establish a pattern of sexual misconduct by Clinton. After resisting, she was eventually subpoenaed (summoned to court) to make a statement. Lewinsky signed an affidavit (sworn statement) denying any sexual relations, with Clinton denying also in a disposition in January 1998.

xoxo Gossip Girl

After this, word got out from Tripp that there were tape recordings of Lewinsky discussing her affair with Clinton- and as with any gossip, this grew and grew and led to the infamous statement from Clinton- ‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.’

Clinton stating he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as wife Hillary looks on.

With the fear of prison due to lying under oath, Lewinsky struck a deal to secure immunity for herself and her parents in exchange for a testimony (which both her and Clinton were called to do by the Grand Jury).


She additionally provided further evidence, a navy dress, which featured a semen stain from Clinton that Tripp had encouraged her not to wash.


It was stated that Clinton once inserted his cigar into Lewinsky’s….you know…..and then put it in his mouth.

Clinton testified and admitted to inappropriate intimate physical acts with Lewinsky, however, claimed he had not perjured himself in the previous Jones trial as the definition of sexual relations differed.

This series of events led to the House of Representatives (lower house of the American Government) moved forward with the impeachment process on 3 charges-

o Charges of perjury.

o Abuse of power.

o Obstruction of justice.

What is Impeachment?

Impeachment is when the US Congress, can put certain officials (such as the US President) on trial for a number of reasons.

A more detailed explanation on the impeachment process.

The impeachment process was successful, meaning Clinton was the 2nd US President ever to be successful impeached. However, Clinton was acquitted on the impeachment trial.

This is an a story with the all too familiar theme of a powerful, influential man using his status to charm a younger more impressionable woman. It shouldn’t be forgotten that not only was Clinton the President of the United States, but was also a husband and a father.

