Layoff spreadsheets are amazing. Now get talent delivered, for free

Adam Stober
Layoff-Aid Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2020

Increasingly, the Bay Area tech industry is looking at spreadsheets as a solution to layoffs. Now you can get them delivered, for free. I recently got an email from an SF-based VC wanting to scoop up talent:

“I’m interested in the spreadsheets of companies that have gone through layoffs. Do you have them? Can you share? Quora, Atrium, Uber, Lime — there are more I am sure.”

Yes and Yes. Whenever individuals across the tech community are affected by layoffs and publicly sharing their contact information as a company collective, we should shed some light to both help those affected and help ourselves hire!

Photo by Ernest Brillo on Unsplash

However, most downsizes never sprout spreadsheets. Among layoffs that do lead to the group layoff spreadsheets, many never see the public light of day given that they are often quietly shared among heads of talent at startup companies that share the same investors as the company doing the downsizing. As a result, most startup founders will never have the opportunity to hire most of the hidden gems that could grow their businesses. In practice, even the most assertive talent pros can’t personally find or keep up with all of the spreadsheets.

How can we be sure that the right SF hiring folks see the spreadsheets? Share them with the Bay Area’s post-tech-layoff solution. We in turn will share the spreadsheets with the Layoff-Aid community for the benefit of all.

Are you hiring SF tech talent? Get an amazing stream of talent right in your inbox with “Defenders of the Downsized”. Don’t miss amazing job-seekers who love startups. Know when amazing tech talent has been laid off, and recruit opportunistically. And for the savviest recruiting pros, we’ve got even more job-seekers who aren’t on mass spreadsheets and don’t want to publicly post their info. Sign up for the free newsletter to learn more…

