Lazy Lions Update #30

Lazy Lions
Lazy Lions NFT
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2022

Kings, Queens

Just a few quick updates this week, with a focus on Twitter spaces and Podcasts!

eToro Twitter Space

Ashur joined the eToro team on their Twitter Space and discussed all things NFTs, including what makes Lazy Lions so exciting to be part of, and the future of the space.

Listen to the recording here:

Joyage Kingdom Podcast

Ashur joined Cade Bergmann on his Joyage Kingdom Podcast where they shared their NFT journeys and spoke about where they see NFTs headed in the future.

Catch the podcast on YouTube.

Lazy Lions Twitter Space

In this official Lazy Lions Twitter Space, Ashur and Nine were joined by Noncoducks founder DuckMaster. It was great learning more about the Noncoducks project and some of the overlaps with the Lazy Lions, as well as getting DuckMaster’s thoughts on the current situation with the NFT space and how he sees it all playing out.

Listen to the recording here

Our next official Twitter Space will be on Wednesday, 14 September at 7am PT, where we will be joined by special guest Oliver the co-founder of Bubblegum Kids!

In the Press

Our birthday and $100mil traded volume milestone were celebrated in a few publications, including NFT Evening and Blockchain News.

LFR with AR

Congratulations to all the Kings and Queens for another successful week of ROARing, expanding, and most importantly… supporting your fellow creators in the Pride! Lots of fun things have happened recently, but the first we have to hit on is the unveiling of more Lazy Lion tattoos!

As most of you know, I got my Lion tattooed last October in the height of the NFT bull run, but two more Kings may have shown me up by getting theirs now! The market across the board may be down, but the pride in the Pride is as strong as ever and these awesome art pieces prove it.



If you haven’t shown your support on these posts, make sure you do so. Awesome art, Kings, and congrats on becoming a Lion for life.

We also saw a big Lazy Cub purchase by DDKing!

DDKing has entered the Pride with a whirlwind and has already shown himself as an extremely worthwhile member to our community. This is such an awesome Cub and definitely one of my favorites. Another big shoutout and congratulations on the amazing grab.

Finally, the community driven “Security is our priROARity” Twitter Spaces is today featuring Ledger, RevokeCash, Quit, Wii_Mee, and the Lazy Crew Gang.

Be sure to check it out, or if you are in a different time zone, listen to the replay after! Lots of hard work and initiative went into this by the entire community and we are all glad it came to be.

We have the most unique, creative, and supportive community in this industry and we all prove it day in and day out. Keep it up and keep ROARing hard. No matter the market- up, down, sideways- we keep on, heads down, blinders on, and one day we will all feast. There is absolutely no other more deserving community.


-AR, Community Manager



Lazy Lions
Lazy Lions NFT

The Kings and Queens of web3, revolutionizing entertainment. ROAR with us!