Lazy Lions Update #32

Lazy Lions
Lazy Lions NFT
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2022

Kings, Queens

Thank you all for making LAZY series one a roaring success. The entire collection sold out, with each week breaking the record for time-to-sell-out from the previous week.

LAZY series one

The collection of nine apparel items was dropped over three weeks, with the first drop selling out in 90 minutes, the second selling out in an hour, and the third selling out in under an hour.

People really seemed to love the hoodies (which sold out in less than 5 minutes) and hats (which sold out in roughly 20 minutes). Orders have already shipped out and we love seeing all your photos, so make sure to tag us and use the hashtag #LAZY.

We’re very excited about the LAZY collectibles and the potential for Lazy Lions to expand outside of Web3, to capture a wider audience.

Make sure to sign up for the mailing list to hear about future drops.

LFR with AR

Welcome back, Kings and Queens and a big, ROARING welcome to all the new Pride members! It’s always great to see so many new Lions joining and those first Tweets with a Lazy Lions PFP are some of my favorites to ROAR at.

There were many great accomplishments from The Pride this week, with the top being the complete sell-out of LAZY series one. Congratulations to everyone that was able to grab an item (or all) from the three drops. Drop one items have been delivered, drop two has started to ship, and drop three should begin shipping shortly! I’m excited to see all the unique photos of The Pride wearing or using your new collectible accessories and apparel. A beach day with the towel and bag, an autumn walk with hoodie and beanie, in the office with the polo — the LAZY brand is only starting its expansion to be a top name in this business and you are all a massive part of this journey. The 👏 Best 👏 Community 👏 In 👏 Web3.

Oh! If you missed your chance at an IRL Lazy hoodie last drop, our fellow King, Jeff Rainey, ( helped The Pride out earlier in the week by creating a widget to quickly add one to your Lion!

Check out the site here:

Input your Lion ID number and save the new jpeg… super simple!

Make sure to share your newly hooded Lion on Twitter with #LAZY and don’t forget to tag Jeff. Thanks again, King! I know everyone really appreciates the selfless time and creations that so many community members give to their fellow Lions and the entire project in general. It doesn’t go unnoticed.

As always… stay hungry, stay loud, and keep ROARING. Up, down or sideways this is a Lion market and I’m feeling ROARish.


-AR, Community Manager



Lazy Lions
Lazy Lions NFT

The Kings and Queens of web3, revolutionizing entertainment. ROAR with us!