Lazy Lions Update #37

Lazy Lions
Lazy Lions NFT
Published in
8 min readDec 15, 2022

While the community voted on the best project at Lions Den, our founders hosted a transparent AMA on Discord

It’s been a busy couple of weeks for the Lazy Lions community. While the general NFT space faces the effects of the FTX contagion, we keep building and making sure the whole world hears us ROAR.

Keep reading to check out what you missed.

Lions Den

For those of you who don’t know what Lions Den is about, think about bringing the Shark Tank experience to the Pride. LL founders Ashur and Nine, community manager Aaron and special guest DD King judged four projects pitched by holders who currently do or want to do cool things with their Lazy Lions IP — spreading the brand values.

The two winners were granted financial support to activate their ideas and an opportunity to win a $1000 grant.

Lazy Lions hosted the second Lions Den in December 2022

21 projects showed their ideas, and only four were selected to pitch to a panel of judges at the official event on December 8th. After the event, the winners were selected via a community vote, placing the final choice in the communities hands.

Get to know about the winning projects below.

#1 — Roaring Sauces (43% of votes)

The winner of this edition of Lions’ Den found a way to capitalize on the LL IP, taking it to real-world products. Roaring Sauces, a brand by NFT Kitchen, stamped its hot sauces with their Lions, finding out that ours is the “most engaged NFT community by far.”

They had already produced a special sauce with a Mutant Ape NFT, and now the Lions have completely taken over their business. Having built the business from the ground up, Roaring Sauces immediately pleased all judges.

#2 — Lazy Stream Team (39% of votes)

The project that got the second highest amount of votes was pitched by SolaPunk, but involved a whole group of gamers within the LL community. This way, it envisioned taking the Lazy Lions name to Web2 gamers and eventually having an Esports league of its own.

Its goal would be to reach more people through different social networks, especially via streaming in a conglomerate for all Lions to be a part of.

After seeking guidance from industry veterans, SolaPunk’s project took shape and conquered not just the judges but the community as well.

A thank you note from the founders

Congratulations to all the winners. For the next steps on receiving your community grant, load a support ticket in Discord and our team will assist you further.

“As Founders, we loved hearing the community members come up on stage, share their passion for Lazy Lions, and hear all the great ways they plan to activate their existing Lazy Lions IP. We highly encourage members to continue to use their IP to build cool shit and share it with the community. We all love to see it.”

Nine via Discord, co-founder at Lazy Lions

The other two contestants also brought innovative projects with their IPs to Lions Den. While rapper Shah pitched bringing Lazy Lions to his debut Music NFT project, Charlie pitched blending his passion for cooking with the brand — making Galaxy Gummies the best the NFT space has seen so far.

The judging panel was so impressed with these pitches as well that decided to grant them $250 each. This wasn’t planned from the beginning, but because the projects were so good, they deserved to be rewarded as well.

Discord AMA

Transparency is our motto. That’s why our founders Ashur and Nineb are committed to bringing the community to all meaningful discussions regarding future projects and current plans and partnerships.

On December 8th, 2022, LL holders on Discord got to join a 90-minute AMA session answering their most-asked questions.

Lazy Lions Discord AMA

Here’s a summary of what was discussed:

What’s next up for Lazy Lions?

  • If we’re talking about just Q1, we are primarily focusing on a new rewards system for our holders. This will allow for users to actively engage and participate with the Lazy Lions brand and earn loyalty points for their engagement (and more…). Engaging, collecting, and rewards all in one platform… + something special we’ve been working on 👀
  • ROAR token will continue to be built throughout 2023 and will have direct tie in with our loyalty program.
  • Lionesses is a project that will continue to be developed, launch details are yet to be finalised so we’re open to discussion and hearing community feedback on what they would like to see with the rollout of this collection.
  • Lazy Lions branding has been updated and we’re in the process of finalising the details, will be released when the time is right.
  • We will continue to speak to our community members on a regular basis and in organized events.

Is there a metaverse strategy?

  • A majority of our community voted that LL does not go down the route of the blockchain game, so we’ve pivoted from that.
  • Now our focus is on other things, rethinking the token and the loyalty program, but it doesn’t mean we’re not going to be in blockchain games or metaverse worlds of our partners.
  • Part of the beauty of Web3 is that so many of these partners already incorporate Lazy Lions into their games.
  • The Sandbox virtual world is already a metaverse that we are actively building on and we are currently in touch with their team to bring our worlds together on their platform.

Update on Lazy Series

  • We didn’t launch Lazy Series Two this quarter because we weren’t satisfied with the quality and the go-to-market strategy.
  • We are currently exploring how to incorporate the dynamics of our collection’s random rarities into physical items in a way that makes sense for our project.
  • The Lazy Series NFTs will still be distributed, but we are looking at ways we can also tie this into our loyalty program and the release of the NFTs in a fun way tied to our loyalty program.
  • Our next Lazy Series will include a PBT token, allowing users to verify the authenticity of their merch and include further benefits that will be announced soon.

How big is the team?

  • We made changes to the team as soon as the bear market hit. It worked out great, considering it allowed us to reduce our burn significantly.
  • Right now, we’re a mix of full-time and part-time. Three full-timers and six part-timers.
  • Whenever we do projects, we bring in contractors solely for them.
  • We recently hired a project manager and marketing assistant, so they’re included in those numbers.

Trait group channels in Discord now available

  • Now you can obtain roles for all the different trait groups through the Get Roles channel;
  • Trait groups are all set up, complete and ready to go, so head over there and get your roles.
  • Larger announcements will come on how we plan to activate trait groups within our Discord now that we have the roles set.

Christmas Bungalow activation

  • Keep your eyes peeled as we lead into Christmas.
  • We will have an activation specifically for Bungalow holders only.
  • This fun activation will tick off another item on our Roadmap 2022.
  • All we can say is, Lions be ready and on the hunt.

Will LL have a presence at upcoming NFT Events?

  • Events bring value to the brand and we plan on attending more of them in 2023.
  • We’re really excited to speak with you about some events, but not all are confirmed yet.
  • In the US, we’re planning on attending NFTLA (Tentative) and NFT NYC.
  • We have exciting plans for NFT Paris and meeting holders in Europe for the first time.

Happy Holidays, Kings and Queens

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we at Lazy Lions are feeling especially thankful. We’ve come a long way, and we wouldn’t be this strong if it wasn’t for the support of our amazing community.

That’s why we decided to giveaway a Lazy Lions NFT to one lucky winner — and who knows, welcome a new member to the Pride!

Lazy Lions NFT Giveaway

See Ashur’s tweet and don’t miss your chance of getting a brand new Lazy Lion

We hope everyone takes advantage of the holidays to recharge and spend quality time with their loved ones.

Happy holidays from the Lazy Lions team!

LFR with AR

LFRRRR Kings and Queens! What an amazing time to be a Lion.

First and foremost, big congratulations to the winners of our Lions Den competition! There were so many awesome entries, but unfortunately, we could only have a few that took home the cash. The fun doesn’t stop here though, as we will all be a part of watching Roaring Sauces and Lazy Stream Team take advantage of their winnings and further create with their Lazy Lions IP. I imagine that we are in for some awesome, future reveals. Once again, another big shoutout to Kings, Charlie and Shah. Although neither won the community vote, I still urge you (and everyone else with an idea) to push forward and find a way to develop your vision. Hopefully, we will still see some original music and Galaxy Gummies in the near future.

One of our Lions Den judges, DDKING, is currently running two big giveaways for the LL community. DDKing has been a treasure to us all and we really appreciate the giveaways and exposure you continuously bring to The Pride.

ICYMI… Santa Paws is coming to town:

The Lazy Crew sub-community is at it again! Security is a priROARity and these Captains of the NFT space are hosting another Mega Twitter Space with Ledger… and this time… Brave Browser, via their BAT Community! Big congratulations to those involved in making this happen. It goes to show what the community can do when we ROAR together- no target is too big. Hope to see you all in the space!

Lastly, I want to highlight the 3D Kings sub-community and the reveal of their first animation and delve into storytelling, using their IP. With amazing artwork by @JohnTheCraftman, a fun story from @localcryptogod, and a regal voice-over by @Wii_Mee, these Kings pulled out all the stops and the results speak for themselves. Awesome job, and we all can’t wait for episode two! If you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to share, like, and comment your support!

The holidays are fast approaching and I hope you are all finding time to spend moments with those you love. And in the meantime… keep the ROAR alive, Kings and Queens. Keep up the hunt. And we will all feast!


LFR with AR Community Manager

-AR, Community Manager



Lazy Lions
Lazy Lions NFT

The Kings and Queens of web3, revolutionizing entertainment. ROAR with us!