23. Next Level

Uuuu, I’m gonna like it!

Aditya S Suwarno
2 min readJun 14, 2017


Unsplash.com | Glenn Carstens-Peter

When you found the right game for you, by right I mean the right genre, the right storyline, the right gameplay, every level is new challenge waiting to be conquered. You’re excited about it. You know it’s gonna be harder. That last level left you gasping, hands sweaty, eyes tired, stomach hungry, but you’re excited to do the harder one.

I have that feeling about my job.

So far, everything is hard enough. But I like it. Then my manager asked me to do something else. Something new. I know how to do it though, I had the plan in mind. Then after I did the task my manager told me that he’s gonna brief me more about this new task tomorrow, handing this particular task to me in the future. I think I did it well. My manager trust me more and more with our team’s responsibilities.

I. F*cking. Love it.

This task will be time consuming enough. Means that I’m gonna have to squeeze my schedule for it. I know how to do it though. It’s not alien. I’ve never done this before, but I know how to do it. This will take my job to the next level. Baby steps, but we’re getting there.

Reliable is one of my value in life. I want people know that when they need me to do something, to be something, it’ll be done. That’s why, sometimes I say no to things I have no interest on, or ability for. Sometimes I say yes and tell them I’m gonna learn about it first, but that’s because I have interest in it. I want people know that when they need me to do something, to be something, it’ll be done.

My manager is a great person, he’s a great mentor, and he’s one of the main reason I love my job. When he asked me to do something new, go somewhere new, meet someone new, I want to do so. When this task were given to me, I know I want to do it. It feels great.

I. F*cking. Love it.

