29. Busy Week

I’m lovin’ it?

Aditya S Suwarno
2 min readJun 20, 2017


Unsplash.com | Glenn Carstens-Peters

For the love of me, I need more sleep.

I guess this will be one busy week. Tasks come and go since yesterday. But I’ll have to admit, I’m enjoying it. My coworkers are starting to rely some of their tasks on me. Meanings that they’re starting to trust me. One of my super asked me if I could help him working on a huge project. I told him, “of course, I’d love to”. We’ll have a meeting about it tomorrow.

Thank god I let myself waited for month before I got this job that I could honestly love. I love my job. Everything about it is lovely. The busyness is lovely. I’m doing the things the I understand, although I still need to learn a lot. However, my motivation is high, but also my lack of sleep.

Fasting in Ramadan require me to wake up early morning. It kinda messes up my sleeping schedule. Well, the diet too. By mid day, I crave for some shut eyes. But I can’t. They cut the rest hour short for Ramadan, because most of us can’t have lunch.It’s a lovely time as a Muslim though. But I really need more time to sleep.

There will be a week long holiday starting this weekend. Maybe that’s why the tasks piling up. Thank god I really like what I do. If I don’t…

