22. Joining a Society

Being a different person for a new phase in life.

Aditya S Suwarno
1 min readJun 13, 2017


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There are things I never wanted to do before. Hanging out late at night. Around people smoking. Ignoring my discipline.

But apparently those are what people do. And I work around people. I live around people.

Maybe those things could make me a different person. I need to have better connection with people around me. So maybe, I’m gonna do this thing that I never wanted to do. See where it’ll take me. I don’t need to fake myself around them. I just need to be there, and do what I do best. Listen.

Beside, it’s no that bad eiher. Today I hung out with great people. I sipped coffee with experts, legendary explorers, celebrities, actors. It was great. And I’m not those people who gasp when they see celebrities.

Maybe I’m gonna do this more often.

