Choose a Keanu, get a Keanu movie to watch!

Little, Brown Young Readers
LBYR Parents


by Savannah Kennelly, Digital Marketing Assistant

We all know Keanu Reeves is king of the internet/world. Not only is he a successful actor and filmmaker, he’s a really sweet, good guy — and he’s destined to lead us all out of the Matrix. He’s been memed more than any other figure in human history*, played more characters named John than any other actor in Hollywood** and he rides motorcycles. I don’t know what else you want from the guy.

With this Keanu-ssance, (which I would just like to point out, I have been a Keanu stan since I was first exposed to Bill & Ted; y’all have just been waking up to the truth), we’ve all had one major question — what would life be like if Keanu were your boyfriend? Well, we’ve got the book for you! If Keanu Were Your Boyfriend is here to help you feel what it might, might be like if Keanu were, in fact, your beau. And yes, we know he’s happily spoken for, but we’re allowed to dream aren’t we?! Anyway, since we can’t have Keanu for ourselves, I’ve made a quiz to help you determine what Keanu movie to watch while you hug your copy of If Keanu Were Your Boyfriend. Because that is how I will be spending the rest of my days. With this book, watching Keanu movies on repeat.

  • *assumption not based upon verifiable fact but by the way I feel and also my desire for it to be true.
  • ** again, this assumption is not based on any fact, but let’s break it down, he’s played John Wick, Johnny Mnemonic, Johnny Utah, John Constantine, John in Generation Um…, at least two characters named Jack which we can presume is short for John, and he will be playing Johnny Silverhand in the game Cyberpunk 2077 and John Rain in Rain. Like, 90% of his characters are called some form of John.



Little, Brown Young Readers
LBYR Parents

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