Last week TDD Session @DevCamp

Chanmann Lim
Published in
1 min readMay 31, 2010

It’s been a great pleasure to be able give a tech talk about TDD — Test Driven Development @DevCamp last Saturday. That’s how I realize that “The best way to learn is to teach”, not only during the session, feedback or discussion just slide and demo preparation show me about the power of community, a signal of social culture evolution, friendship, and of course TDD.
People start giving their experience and ideas away around the topic such as:

  • The top frameworks to be used
  • The concept of each framework
  • The ideas underneath TDD — Behavior first
  • Test writing preference: write all tests for a Minimum Marketable Feature then code OR one test one code iteration. Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Do we still use UML if TDD already drive the design?
  • When is best to use UML? for what?
  • Simulation prototype



Chanmann Lim

M.S. in Computer Science, University of Missouri-Columbia.