Meet the team: project’s Chairman — Byung-Hung Lee

Published in
1 min readJan 27, 2021

We are convinced that proper development of any project requires more than just a robust idea. You need a team of professionals who can bring this idea to life! Thankfully, LCMS is armed the great team. Today we would like to start introducing our team to you!

In today’s post we would like to introduce Byung-Hung Lee.

He is currently the Chairman of Cellmatherapeutics Co., Ltd. and the largest shareholder of Cellmatherapeutics Co., Ltd.
Chairman of LCM Science.

Byung-Hung Lee graduated from the Korea University, College of Liberal Arts, Department of History. He has worked at Citigroup Asia Pacific Corporate Finance Corporation and used to be Director in Chief, US FDA International Science Research Institute, Korea Branch.

He has a number of titles under his belt, such as Chief Representative, Kyrgyzstan station of Economics and Trade Affairs Office in Korea, and Director of Multicultural Global Community Center (Scholarship Foundation).



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LCMS is a consumer-oriented blockchain-based distribution platform.