Who Are We?

Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2021

As you may know, the LCMS COIN project is based on a functioning business — LCM SCIENCE, and today we would like to talk about it in some more detail!

LCM SCIENCE provides beautiful services. In our work we follow strict quality standards for all of our products.

All of our products are made of materials derived from natural materials that are harmless to the human body, only the most effective, powerful, and clinically validated raw materials.

LCM SCIENCE completed joint development of innovative functional cosmetics, health function foods, and medical products with the U.S.FDA International Institute of Science (Korea Branch Director Lee Byung-heung), a graduate of Chung-Ang University School of Pharmacy, and Dr. Yang Joon-seok, a Korean oriental medicine professor, and approved the U.S.FDA.

Our company cares about our clients and strives to go an extra mile for their benefit — this is why we are creating a new product, where the customer’s opinion will make all the difference!



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LCMS is a consumer-oriented blockchain-based distribution platform.