Why are user reviews so important?

Published in
1 min readJan 23, 2021

Do you know what social proof is? It means reviews, comments, and other content generated by your clients about the product. Marketing done by the client.

92% of people find reviews very important, and it’s no wonder: few people want to spend their time and hard-earned money on something only to walk away disappointed. When buying something approved by the public, we can feel like we “belong to the group”.

Buyers trust reviews and are more likely to purchase a product if they see some sort of social proof. We want to create a platform where people will be able to share their opinions, insights and tips on products. This will make it easier for the end customer to make their choice and improve brand loyalty towards good products. To make reviews as reliable and transparent as possible, we will leverage the benefits of blockchain technology, and this is something we will go deeper into in our future posts.



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LCMS is a consumer-oriented blockchain-based distribution platform.