Why do decentralized and transparent solutions are on the rise?

Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2021

Have you ever thought about why product reviews are important, not to mention how useful they are? The importance of reviews can be explained with the following points:

  • Improved customer loyalty. Reviews from real customers strengthen the trust of other customers.
  • They provide arguments to those who are hesitant. User reviews often mention things that manufacturers won’t (either intentionally or out of pure ignorance). User reviews can also be very professional.
  • Improved brand and business reputation. Naturally, customers will trust things they are familiar with, be it a product or manufacturer. People are more likely to discuss their purchases with their family, colleagues or friends to share their opinions and get feedback.

We want reviews to work towards promoting genuine quality goods, and this is why we are building the LCMS project so that every user’s opinion is valued and considered!



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LCMS is a consumer-oriented blockchain-based distribution platform.