Not Only SQL

Aysegul MERIC
LCW Digital
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2021

NoSQL databases (aka “not only SQL”) are non-tabular databases and store data differently than relational tables.

Logging is the easiest and indispensable way to ensure ourselves when integrating cargo companies.

Recording the order information sent to the cargo company is crucial to observe each step of the integration. We can use relational databases for this, as well as document-based databases. Why everyone choose relational databases in the first place? Maybe it is a common habit :) Before diving into why took the NoSQL path, let’s get some definitions out of the way so that we are on the same page.

SQL; Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). It is particularly useful in handling structured data, i.e. data incorporating relations among entities and variables.

ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) is an indispensable standard set of rules for relational databases.

We have seen that the tables we use while using MSSQL to keep log data in our integrations with cargo companies take up a lot of memory.

What is the advantage of NoSQL?

In document-based databases using the NoSQL system, there is no such obligation and we can process faster.

Another major advantage is cost.

As the number of transactions increased, the decrease in performance was one of the most important handicaps. The space occupied by the data on the server had to be reduced.

It is a great advantage that the data becomes lighter in JSON format and that more data can be accessed much faster.

MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database that was first developed in 2009 and is written using the C++ programming language.

If we look at the terminology, we can compare SQL for RDBMS using MongoDB for NoSQL as follows

Comparision of Terminology

Why did we choose MongoDB when there are so many NoSQL database systems?

It is one of the most preferred NoSQL systems since it has driver support for many programming languages ​​that are actively used today.

Document Model

The document data model is a powerful way to store and retrieve data in any modern programming language, allowing developers to move fast.

Fully Scalable

MongoDB’s horizontal, scale-out architecture can support huge volumes of both data and traffic.

Get Started Fast

MongoDB has a great user experience for developers who can install MongoDB and start writing code immediately.

Deployment Options

MongoDB is available in any major public cloud (such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud) through MongoDB Atlas, in large data centers through the Enterprise Advanced edition, or free through the open-source Community edition.

Find Community

MongoDB has developed a large and mature platform ecosystem. It has a worldwide community of developers and consultants, making it easy to get help. It also has an enterprise-grade support offering.

The most important reason for us to choose MongoDB in places where we make status inquiries in cargo integrations is that it is a fast and low-cost database.

We wanted to create a common context that will be used by the APIs and services to be written within the scope of new modernization projects and spread it wherever we want. As an example, you can look at the project that I left the github link for.

You can also check the link below to show that it supports different languages.



Aysegul MERIC
LCW Digital

I am in exciting investments related to my professional life, my greatest pleasure is to get lost in the sea of knowledge, I will swim until I drown.