May 5th Weekend Agenda

Le DakaRoi
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2018

TO DO: This week kicks off the Dak’Art Biennale, and this time around it means something personal to me, as I had the pleasure of recently sitting down with a fame Senegalese painter to get to know more about him and his artwork… It’s only natural that when he personally sent an invite for me to attend his exhibition that I attend to check out the new collection. His name is Samba Diallo and his talent is worth to be mentioned. More info on this link

TO LISTEN: I created this Spotify playlist about a year or so ago and it’s been so great to discover so many talented Nigerian artists… I have yet to tire from it as it’s great for energy, for inspiration.

TO VISIT: My natural science teacher left a eternal mark with me: I have been looking for him for years, but the recluse he’s always been, I doubt that he’s embraced technology and all its wonders. I visited the island of Ngor where he lives and received confirmation that he does still live there, only the weekend though. I am looking forward to surprising him, and hoping that he remembers me just as much as I remember him.

TO EAT: I am attending a friend/buddy/brother birthday party, but the bigger more emotional highlight of the weekend is that I am having lunch with Dad, for the first time since I came home, and this is something that I am looking forward to, very much so… Whatever is served for lunch matters very little this time, as I am more interested in reconnecting with the old man than the food on my plate.

Get out and do something…



Le DakaRoi

A Dakarois aspiring to be a DakaRoi one day at a time. apparel business. amateur cordon bleu. convenient vegan.