List of Suggested Prompts for Le Fool, InSizeM.

Last updated: July 6, 2024

Jee Young Park
Le Fool


I’ve never worked in the fashion industry, but I have strong opinions about the images I see on social media of runway looks, editorials, ad campaigns, and what I see influencers wearing. I may be interested in a career in fashion and I’m testing out the waters.


I have a hot take and I need to get it off my chest in a safe space. I want to get to get to the bottom of what’s generating such a strong reaction. Getting feedback and hearing the opposing side could help me develop a more persuasive and balanced argument for a longer piece.

We publish on a rolling basis.
Fashion can be esoteric despite how widely the industry markets its products, making it the topic of choice for fun, inconsequential debates. We love to love fashion, but we just might love to hate it more.

This series is dedicated to strong negative reactions that range from utterly baffled, disgusted, to enraged, regarding runway looks, editorials, ad campaigns, and influencer trends.

Submissions do not have to be fully fleshed out arguments, rather, they are meant to spark discussion and self-awareness, since strong feelings often point to moral or aesthetic values you can build on. Using our gut-level reactions to clarify those personal values can be the difference between a bias or having the foundation for great critique.



Jee Young Park
Le Fool

Co-founder & Editor of Le Fool, InSizeM. Subscribe to my weekday newsletter, "baby tee." I cover runway shows at Tokyo fashion week #RakutenFWT