Thinking of Europe: Creativity in Isolation

Arjan Tupan
Le Giroflier Royal
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2020
Image courtesy of the Ashmolean Museum

Hey Little Lion Mask

Like Mona
it’s hard to see whether
I’m happy or sad. Misunderstood
while studied, we can’t but
accept fate.

Bloated Hedgehog

A hamster?!
Me!? No, please believe me,
the cheese I ate was past its due date.
Bloated, I am, no hoarding
hamster type.


bubbles to mind. Delft blue,
too. Iznik Tile, testament to shared
culture from Hakkari
to Westfjords.

This time, in Thinking of Europe, as we are in very strange circumstances right now, I’m not giving you one, but three Thinking of Europe poems. In these strange days, the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, UK has launched a challenge on Twitter. Every day, they post a photo of an object in their collection. Like the vase above. The challenge is to do use it as a starting point for doing something creative. Of course, I wrote tritriplicata’s. Three so far. Please join in on the challenge, whatever creativity you have in you, or just to look what awesome things people come up with. So, start your creative engines! Here’s the first tweet that started the #IsolationCreations movement:

And the two others:



Arjan Tupan
Le Giroflier Royal

I help small businesses to find their story and tell it through new services and stories. Dad, poet and dot connector. Creator of the Tritriplicata. POM Poet.