Thinking of Europe: Riga Central Market

Arjan Tupan
Le Giroflier Royal
Published in
1 min readJan 3, 2020
Piles of vegetables at Riga Central Market: tomatoes, pickles, cabbage and more.
And piles of vegetables in between

Squiggling eels
on one end, mimicking
sound to buy lamb at opposite side.
Riga’s Central Tirgus;

Memory of Holland, or in Dutch: Herinnering aan Holland, is a poem by Hendrik Marsman that form many stands as a symbol for The Netherlands. Its first line is engraved in the Dutch collective memory. Most will actually refer to the poem as Denkend aan Holland, or Thinking of Holland, because those are its first words. To celebrate Memory of Holland, poet Hendrik Marsman, Europe, poetry and travel, I started the series: Thinking of Europe.



Arjan Tupan
Le Giroflier Royal

I help small businesses to find their story and tell it through new services and stories. Dad, poet and dot connector. Creator of the Tritriplicata. POM Poet.