Daily Entry 1 : First solo travel

Le processus
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2016

Ok let me rephrase that, it is the first time I had to take trains, bus and flight all across Japan on my own. Of course I’m meeting up with friends at every destination but I’ve never had the need to wait for the bus or train by myself.
Plus, it’s the first time i’m heading to tokyo alone(on a plane at that).

I know there are those 15–16 years old out there who’ve done all that at such a young age, so this is probably nothing compared to the things they’ve done but coming from a guy who could’ve got lost in a shopping mall after a trip to the toilet, I consider this a feat I’m proud of╰(▔∀▔)╯

Of course I was heavily dependent on my smartphone and the map they posted all around the station.

Originally published at glenq11blog.wordpress.com on December 23, 2016.



Le processus

Full-time engineering student + part-time writer. I write articles that I hope can be an educative and enlightening experience 🖋🧲