Daily Entry 3 : New Year’s Greeting

Le processus
Published in
5 min readDec 30, 2016

It’s close to New year and here in Japan, there’s a tradition of sending new year greeting cards known as 年賀状 nengajou . I’ve even blogged about it here.

Being my first new year in Japan, I decided to try sending out these cards myself to some of the closest friends I have here. This was decided on a whim as I was passing through a convenience store where I spotted greeting card with cute drawings of chicken on it (zodiac for 2017) I bought 5 pieces at once (cause the don’t come in a piece 😑) and quickly texted 5 of my friends for their addresses.

Fortunately, they responded on the spot and even requested for my address as well. Oh, it was 11 pm and I’m supposed to leave for Tokyo the next day so I had to settle those cards there and then. Good thing is that there was a post office nearby (yea, it’s closed…I just needed the post box luckily😂) I even had to request a pen from the hotel front office and asked them to have a look

P.S sorry for not posting in the past few days. It’s been a busy week for me and I finally have a break day today

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This place is well known for its 10000 torii 鳥居 gate. That was probably the best way I could describe Fushimi Inari-Taisha since I’ve only been there twice (first time was before summer break and the second was during Christmas break ❄️) History lesson Ok fine, I needed Google for this (; ̄Д ̄) But I’ve put … More Fushimi Inari-Taisha 伏見稲荷大社

As some of you might or might not have known. I’m currently staying in the dormitory situated just next to my school, National Institute of Technology, Nara College. With a single non shared room per person, most people would probably have no complaint staying here with air conditioners/ heater (暖房) already installed. Of course it’s … More Dormitory Life in Japan-Room

What caught my attention into coding was the introduction of coding made by code.org featuring people like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Will.I.am, Chris Bosh. you can find it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPblG6ceqOsstarted With that being said, I started out with HTML which lasted around 2–3 months (to complete the course). That was 4 years ago….Just like how any … More Learning How to Code

A week or two after getting my first Arduino, I finally got a chance to play with it😁😁 After reading all sorts of tutorials, I start by testing out some of the parts to see whether it works or not. Started with the bread board all the way to the LED Didn’t get a … More Project AutGo2

After 1.5 days spent in Tokyo, it was time to head north to nagano ken (長野県). Took 4 hours plus by bus to get there (of course majority of the time was used on this). However, it was there where I found my first snow. It was merely some frozen rain by the roadside but … More Entry 5- Tough snow

Just got my Arduino UNO starter kit from Ali Express at the cost of 3500yen. Had to wait 3 weeks for the shipping to arrive but the order was made and done during the exam week anyway so I guess it was worth the wait. The kit includes basic parts such as diodes, Arduino Uno, switch, … More Project AutGo 1 (First Kit)

Some of you might know or read my previous page, Nengajou where I’ve briefly explained how to buy, write and post these Japanese greetings card. And what I’ve realised is that I didn’t thoroughly explain the format of writing a nengajou and truth to be told, my first Nengajou, which I’d sent to my Japanese friend was corrected the … More Proper Way to Write A Nengajou

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After trying out programming with the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the Arduino, I tried testing out the buzzer and see how can I make some noise with this. So I simply searched for some examples of circuits online with their respective sketches and just followed them like a copy and paste machine. At first I … More Project AutGo 4 — Buzzer

Another simple thing I’ve tested these few days (just finished exam btw) was trying out the Light Dependent Resistor which was both tested with an LED(Light Emitting Diode) and buzzer. This test was also done without any issues. All I did was connecting the LDR with an LED and see how the output (LED) changes … More Project AutoGo5 — LDR

Some of you might know (probably most of you don’t) that I’ve been studying abroad in Japan for almost a year now and one of the things I’ve considered changed the most would be spending the festive seasons with different people in a completely different environment. Up until now, I have never once celebrated Chinese … More First Chinese New Year abroad

Finally done it !!! Coming from someone who’ve lived in Nara for already a year, of course, I had blogged about it before here. So what does it make this? I guess you could probably say this is the more structured (and probably an easier read than Wikipedia I guess) version of it. Koufuku-ji (興福寺) An … More 7 things You Can’t Miss In Nara

This would probably my first daily entry that is not on a holiday. The exam was just 10 days away and it was the final term exam. However, what I’m showing here is nothing more than my usual Monday routine (pics were taken on the 30th of January 2017 btw). I was never an early … More Daily 6.0-Pre exam

This is one would be a time where I cross upon a stall selling Japanese accessories such as hair pins or mini purses. This one stall I’ve seen recently is a particularly special and deserving of a praise in my opinion. Why is that so? Customer service Well, first of all, the granny watching over … More Kyoto’s Embroidery and Accessories

Having already made a circuit on my Arduino, I had a quick look at some simple programming for this one. The plan was ‘making it blink’….yes, that was my next goal and for sure, simply making a circuit would not be enough. Now I have to think of how to program that enables my LED … More Project AutGo 3-Compiling & Uploading

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知っている人がいるかどうかわからないけど、俺は去年から日本に留学し始めた。もう一年間経ってもちろん、生活はいろいろ変わったが、一番変わったことはやっぱり、今までお祝いする行事を違う場所で違う人とお祝いすることだ。俺らが中華系として一番よくお祝いする春節っていう行事も家族とお祝いすることできなくなって正直ちょっと悲しい だが、今年、家族と遠く(5千キロぐらい)離れても、ちゃんと友達とお祝いするつもりだと決めた。 今年の春節は二月二十八日だ。そのときは土曜日なので休みでよかった。その前日は料理の準備のため、業務スーパーへいろいろ買物しに行っていた。 今年の春節の昼食のメニューは オムレツ、ブロッコリーとエノキ、カレと、シャウロウという中華系の焼き豚と春巻きに皆決定した。 当日の🕛から、料理をし始めて、一時間半めっちゃ忙しかった!! 今年、奈良高専学寮の寮母さんを誘って一緒に料理をしてた。寮母さんもすごく美味しいイチゴを買ってきてくれた。料理は一時間半ぐらいかかったけど、皆と一緒に喜んで食べることができたから、なんかすごくいい家族のような雰囲気を感じていた 食事が終わってから皆と奈良へ旅行に行くことにした。今回、明石高専のサラさんとウェイ君いろいろ案内してた(俺はみるだけやけど)。当日は若草山焼というイベントがあってそれを見に行く予定だったが意外と予約した部屋を探すのに意外と時間がかかって見つかったら、もう6時過ぎだった。皆が花火にたぶん間に合わないと思っていた。しかし、すごくいい部屋だと気づいた。なぜかというと、旅館の最上階へ行くと遠いところまで見られて、そこから花火すごく綺麗だった。 そこから、一緒に晩御飯を食べに行った。そして住宿で夜遅くまで話していた。翌日、一番遅くまで起きていた俺は、シャワーを待っている間に昨日スーパーで買ったカップラメンを朝食として食った。朝の10時ぐらいに皆んなと部屋から出かけて、奈良で結構遊んでいた。明石高専から来た友達が初めて奈良に来たから、ツアーガイドとして案内していた。奈良ではなくても、友達は神社に行ったことあるので、。だが、幸いにも当日、中谷堂って店があって、たまに餅を作る景色も見えてよかった良いんじゃないと思ったが、奈良でしかない中谷堂のおもちを見せて上げれたので良かった😌 。幸福神社とか東大寺まで連れて写真いっぱい撮りました!! 別れる前、皆一緒にお好み焼き屋へ食事しに行った。もんじゃ焼き以外、本当のお好み焼きを食べたことはなくてすごく美味しかった!食べ終わってから、6人とも奈良駅まで行ってそれぞれ自分の高専へ帰って行った。 Advertisements

Okay, so I was like heading to Tokyo during the 2016 winter’s holiday ❄️❄️and was looking for a two-day accommodation before leaving for Nagano after that. Guess what, my friend helped me to find one just right for me at 東京住宿•租屋-Share House Location Mine was an apartment located in a place called Yoyogi which is probably … More 東京住宿•租屋-Share House

Originally published at glenq11blog.wordpress.com on December 30, 2016.



Le processus

Full-time engineering student + part-time writer. I write articles that I hope can be an educative and enlightening experience 🖋🧲