Daily Entry (Prologue)

Le processus
Published in
1 min readSep 10, 2018

This is actually a list of journal entry I have on my personal blog. Things that are related to my personal growth directly or indirectly. There might be not much to see right now.

But I’m believing in the concept “Document VS Create”.

But I’m believing in the concept “Document VS Create”.

Quoted by Gary Vaynerchuck, as important as the getting to the top means to everyone, being there to tell the story of is just as crucial. Because if you don’t enjoy the process of getting there, you’ll never be satisfy with the destination.

The contents might be boring now but so does most opening part of any story 



Le processus

Full-time engineering student + part-time writer. I write articles that I hope can be an educative and enlightening experience 🖋🧲