6 reasons to learn Data Science with Le Wagon Tokyo

Le Wagon Tokyo
Le Wagon Tokyo
Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2020

On October 12th, 2020, we will officially kick off the first English-speaking Data Science bootcamp in Japan. Here are 6 reasons we’re excited about it!

📚 Mature Data Science toolkit

It took us a year to build our Data Science curriculum in collaboration with professionals in the field, either working at renowned companies like Instacart, Airbnb or pursuing advanced research in AI and Data Science. Thanks to their contributions, this comprehensive curriculum covers the most critical aspects of Data Science and Machine Learning.

Every week, a Le Wagon batch starts somewhere in the world, which allows us to iterate over our curriculum and adjust it to perfection.

Before developing a new Data Science curriculum, we needed to answer critical questions: is the toolkit mature enough? What does the job market look like? What are companies’ precise needs? As soon as we had clear answers for these questions, we designed an intense and exhaustive program that would answer companies’ increasing hiring needs.

The languages, tools and libraries we cover are industry-standard, and will be taught in a logical sequence. You will start learning with Python and SQL, along with Jupyter Notebook and popular libraries Pandas & NumPy. Diving into decision science, matplotlib and seaborn will help you visualize and interpret data. After that, we’ll extensively cover Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and introduce scikit-learn, keras and TensorFlow. Moving into Data Engineering, you will use Google Cloud AI platform to make your models available to the world. Last but not least, 2-week projects will conclude the program, focused on solving real business problematics.

By the end of the program, you will know how to collect, store, clean, explore, transform, and predict data in production environments, using the most up-to-date toolkit. More importantly, you’ll be able to implement a personalized recommendations system, a search engine, an image recognition app, a supply chain optimization tool, or an e-commerce promotion & pricing app — practical business applications in high demand.

📈 Japan is a hot market for data science and analytics

“At the beginning of Le Wagon in 2013, data wasn’t mature enough. Today this field and job sector are much more organized “ — Sebastien, Le Wagon CTO

Japan is 11th on the “data producer” list. It is also 4th in the world in broadband consumption behind the EU (12 countries!), China and the United States. Why does it matter?

If you’ve already dipped your toe in the data science world, you know that the quality of a prediction is strongly linked to the quantity of data you have access to. With that rank, Japan is already securing one half of the equation in order to be one of the leaders in the AI field. The other half? People who will exploit that data — and the country is making a big push to train a new generation of engineers in the coming years.

💼 Growing demand for Data Specialists

More than 50% of our existing hiring partners are already hiring Data Analysts, Data Scientists or Data Engineers, and several of them contacted us as soon as we announced that we were launching this new program.

A glimpse at some of our long-time hiring partners

Medium-sized startups understand the importance of leveraging on their data, but do not necessarily have the budget to hire a full team of data scientists. With a polyvalent skillset and a business-oriented approach, our graduates will be a great fit for them.

On the community side, Tokyo is also the home of an internationally recognized group of Machine Learning and AI professionals, Machine Learning Tokyo. From collaborative projects to advanced maths learning sessions, it is the perfect community to join after graduation in order to take your newly acquired skills to the next level.

😍 Unique learning experience

From our built-in teaching platform to a huge (8,000+ graduates!) Slack community and very open atmosphere, we strive to create a high-quality experience for all Le Wagon students.

Coding every day

Our Data Science program will have a very strong practical approach, and we want our students to learn by doing. Our students will spend over 80% of their in-class time working on actual challenges.

Platform and Community

Our teaching platform and community remain strong assets during and after the bootcamp:

  • During and after the bootcamp, students have access to all the course’s materials including lectures, challenges and flashcards. We also focus on creating an inspiring learning environment with talks, and make sure our students stay connected with our Tokyo community;
  • After the bootcamp, our 8,000-strong community (at the time of writing) is a source of connections, business and job opportunities, and of course help wherever our students are in the world. They will also keep lifetime access to the course’s materials, which are regularly updated.

👨‍💻 Data Science portfolio built during final project weeks

Project weeks are the trademark of Le Wagon’s programs: they are a very efficient way for our students to build a portfolio and kickstart their new career. Projects developed at Le Wagon focus on solving a business problem, and many of our graduates use their final projects as a starting point for their future entrepreneur journey.

What are some examples of final Data Science projects? Data Science Demo Days are already happening around the world, and students are pitching varied projects, ranging from a fish species detection app, to a hospital stay length prediction or a news-based stock market prediction tool.

Check out this video to get inspired and discover some of the projects or Data Science graduates are building 👇

👨‍🏫 An amazing team of educators and professionals

Le Wagon Tokyo programs are led by experienced teachers and working professionals passionate about programming and interactive education. You can get a taste of it through Tina’s testimony, who graduated from our Web Development bootcamp last year:

The instructors are so great, they really care about each of the student, and gave us all the support needed. They get to know the students individually, and frequently organize social events on Fridays to bond with the students. Their level of dedication is MUCH HIGHER from other bootcamp schools (in particular I am attending Flatiron Data Science in London and the contrast is vastly different) — I cannot emphasis the personal touch enough at Le Wagon. They also go out of their way to help you in finding a job, and are always happy to introduce you to one of their contacts. — Tina, Le Wagon Web Development graduate

Trouni, who graduated from a top French engineering school, will be managing the bootcamp and teaching Data Science fundamentals during the first few weeks. Yann, graduated with a CS degree from Georgia Tech, will also bring his experience as a teaching assistant. We’re casting our future crew of teachers, and already have some very high-level profiles we will start introducing in the coming weeks 😎

The whole team is extremely excited to be launching this new Data Science curriculum, and we can’t wait to welcome you! 🚀



Le Wagon Tokyo
Le Wagon Tokyo

Coding school for creative people & entrepreneurs #startup 🚀Intensive 9-week and 24-week #FullStack #Bootcamps http://bit.ly/1VQNB08 👀