A video to help new developers get started on WeChat advanced mode (APIs)

Thibault Genaitay
Le Wagon
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2016

WeChat enables very powerful APIs for Official Accounts owners… but until recently the documentation was quite poor, creating loads of questions in the marketing and dev communities in China. Over the past years we have all learned a lot thanks to the support of our friends, and of course loads of trial & error.

We have trained WeChat Developers for a while (see this network if you’re looking for one just now: https://www.wechatdevelopers.com/).

Today we are very happy to help all future WeChat developers, with the hope to help startups customizing their WeChat accounts with advanced features.

Le Wagon Shanghai welcomed Gregoire Thiebault, CTO @ 31Ten to run a unique coding workshop in Shanghai, aiming to guide the participants on the WeChat environment.

In the video below, watch Greg working with WeChat APIs and guiding you through the very first steps:

  • setup your dev environment
  • customize the share links
  • build a trackable QR code
  • send a push message

✅ Get ready to code!
Find Greg’s open-source code (PHP/JS) on Github… fork it, star it!


✅ Take away the slides!
They are available to download:


✅ Pre-requisite / resources to look at:

Official Account Backend

Documentation (recent)
OA getting started guide
JS-SDK documentation
Chinese Documentation (JSSDK + OA Api)
Official Demo of all the JSSDK functionalities

Developers tools
Sandbox testing Account
Signature calculator to compare the generated signature and its parameters
Official Web debug tool
API Daily Counter 开发 > 接口权限 (Last menu tab on the developer group tab on the official account backend)

✅ English tutorials to read

  1. How to add your developer as an operator to your Official Account
  2. How to setup the dev environment & use the Sandbox Official Account
  3. Wechat Bible for Brands : Whitepaper on what can wechat APIs do


00:10:08 — Greg’s rant about the difficulties to develop in WeChat
00:19:51 — Part 1: JS-SDK
00:20:20 — The most difficult part in WeChat: the setup!
00:27:31 — Watch Greg setup & implement the Custom Share Link
01:16:00 — Part 2: Official Accounts
01:20:20 — Watch Greg build a custom QR code & push a message

🎥 The workshop in video (01:39:00)

December 10, Shanghai, China

Get in touch: shanghai@lewagon.org

Hire someone: https://www.wechatdevelopers.com/


Le Wagon is a coding school for creative people & entrepreneurs, a global program running simultaneously in China and 19 countries worldwide. We teach everything WeChat and product development.

Participants will learn the workflows of the best startups, and get the ability to build a prototype of any idea they might have!


Change your life! Learn to code in 9 intensive weeks.




Thibault Genaitay
Le Wagon

Bringing tech skills to creative people, one bootcamp at a time.