I can’t believe how much I learnt in such a small amount of time!

Le Wagon
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2019

I finished Le Wagon in December and found my first position within a month of graduating!

What were you doing before Le Wagon and what led you to enroll?

Before enrolling into Le Wagon I was in PR working for a tech PR agency. I decided to enrol as the world of PR wasn’t for me but I was very interested in pursuing a different role in tech. After meeting people at events who were working as developers and doing some code academy I took the plunge!

Did you have any difficulties with learning during the Bootcamp, and (if so) how did you get over them?

I regret not asking more questions to the teaching assistants at the beginning. People learn at different speeds and at first I felt overwhelmed as everyone seemed to have learnt things quicker than me. However I overcame it by taking the time to think about what I didn’t understand in the evening and then coming in with questions the next day.

How did you stay motivated throughout the course?

I concentrated on why I decided to enroll and took the time to look into sectors within tech that interested me. Thinking ‘if I learn xyz, I will be able to do this kind of role in this sort of industry’ helped me have an aim and stay determined.

What was the best part of your bootcamp experience?

Le Wagon made me realize how much you can learn in such a small amount of time!

What’s your experience post Le Wagon? What are you doing now? How long did it take you to find a job afterwards?

I finished Le Wagon in December and secured a paid internship to keep me occupied until I found my ideal role. I found my first position within a month of graduating (including the sleepy recruitment period of Christmas) and I am now working as back-end developer at Onfido, the online verification company.

What was the most valuable takeaway from Le Wagon for you?

Le Wagon is great as everyone who enrols has different previous experiences and is ambitious in looking for a new role as a developer. Consequently, after the end of the course, you have 30 friends taking different paths that you could ask for advice in the future. By being part of the Le Wagon, you automatically have a network of people in the industry who could help you in your career.

