Le Wagon Lisbon: 2019 in review

Shannon Graybill
Le Wagon
Published in
5 min readJan 2, 2020

As Le Wagon heads into its 4th year in Lisbon, we wanted to take a moment to pause and reflect on all that’s been accomplished and all there is to be grateful for from 2019.

Ranked №1 Coding Bootcamp

For the fourth year in a row, Le Wagon is the #1 ranked coding bootcamp worldwide on Switchup and Course Report!

#Batch293 on their Demo Day

Opened our new campus near Marques de Pombal

After surfing co-workings and startup incubators for 2+ years, we opened our own dedicated space in January and couldn’t have asked for a better home for our alumni community.

Le Wagon Lisbon Campus at Rua do Conde de Redondo 91

Started our first part-time web development bootcamp

Now you don’t have to quit your day job to do Le Wagon. Our web development course, initially developed as an immersive 9-week bootcamp, can now be followed part-time in 24 weeks, studying some weekday evenings and Saturdays. Our next part-time program starts April 18th 😉

#Batch224 on their Demo Day

Partnered with Puzzle to offer tuition financing

Through PUZZLE, BNI’s Europa Credit brand, Portuguese nationals can now receive financing on 90% of Le Wagon’s bootcamp tuition for both the part-time and full-time programs.

Launched Career Week in our full-stack bootcamp

Now, during the 10th week of the bootcamp, our students have a full lineup of workshops and talks with our career partners and team. From technical interview training, goal setting/ accountability sessions to speed dating with our hiring partners, students have a solid launching pad into their future.

Lisbon alumni, Paul Busby and Rita Laia, chatting with Mario Coelho, CEO & co-founder of CleverMee.

Women outnumbered men in our Spring cohort, representing 61%

Despite coding bootcamps boasting a higher percentage of women than a traditional Computer Science degree (35% average of female representation in Le Wagon compared to 15% in CS degrees), enrollment in bootcamps is still predominantly male, so we were proud when we broke that pattern in the Spring with 11 out of 18 students being female. Unfortunately, we didn’t hit 50% again in our last three programs, so we have our work cut out for us in 2020. Stay tuned for more all-female coding workshop 👩🏻‍💻 👯 ‍

Le Wagon Lisbon #Batch243 before Demo Day

Received governmental certification as training providers in Portugal

Le Wagon is now DGERT certified in Portugal which means all graduates receive a diploma referenced to the national qualifications system and our tuition is 100% deductible as a training expense in individual income tax.

Celebrating #Batch312 Demo Day

Lisbon alumni built and demo’ed 26 apps

Le Wagon is a product-driven bootcamp. During the course, our students learn how to build robust and beautiful web applications by themselves in teams, from the back-end all the way to the front-end. We are super proud of what our students achieved this year at their Demo Days.

Check out our Demo Days from 2019 on YouTube:

Batch 293 Demo Day on September 13, 2019

Out of those 26 apps, 2 startups were launched

We teach our students how to build great apps. This year, four of our Lisbon alumni have launched startups. Nuno and Pedro are setting out to democratize investment in professional football with Footinvest and Mark and Marisa launched Olive Gives which impressively showcased at Web Summit just 4 months after their bootcamp finished.

Mark Swaringen and Marisa Paramita showcasing Olive Gives at Web Summit 2019 (shout out to Ricardo Araújo 😎).

Lisbon’s teaching team went abroad to 10 campuses around the world

Our Lisbon-based teachers traveled to 10 of the 39 Le Wagon campuses this last year to lead teach. From Berlin to Bali to Tel Aviv, Lisbon was representin’.

Ricardo Otero, Le Wagon Lisbon lead teacher, celebrating Le Wagon Madrid’s Demo Day.

Hosted 94 free events with more than 1900+ attendees

Keen on joining a free workshop in 2020? Join our Meetup group! 🤓

Le Wagon teacher, Mariana Marcelino, teaching our 2-hour landing page workshop, an intro to HTML & CSS.

Practiced 64 hours of yoga 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️

Lisbon’s yoga teacher for 3 years running, Dhyana Chaves, practicing with Batch 224.

Said goodbye to our earliest and longest-running lead teacher, André Costa.

It’s difficult to find the words to express our appreciation and admiration for André. We are lucky to have him as long as we did… while honing his teaching skills for the last three years, starting with Le Wagon’s first cohort in Lisbon, André was also moving his way up to CTO of his startup. We still don’t know how he found the time to take a week off every few months, but we feel privileged he did and cannot wait to see where his attitude, witts, and love for all things tech take him.

Thanking André Costa for all his work and support over the last three years.

Welcomed 2 new alumni as leads teachers, Irina Popa and Mariana Marcelino

When one door closes, another door(s) opens. We are excited and proud to be working with Irina and Mariana in new capacities.

Mariana Marcelino and Irina Popa joined Le Wagon Lisbon as leads in 2019.

Le Wagon is so much more than a coding school. It’s about knowledge sharing, community, and transformation. And that’s only possible with the right people. We thank all our partners, teachers, staff (interns!) and students for making 2019 such a spectacular year! We cannot wait to see where the ’20s take us and the people that join us. We already have a taste of what 2020 is bringing and it’s exciting. Stay tuned.

Le Wagon Lisbon 2019 in Review Video


Le Wagon Lisbon

