Why Your Website Is Useless If You’re Not Using Content-Led SEO

Why have a website that’s more than one page in the first place?

Marvin Marcano
Ascend Content


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

After writing hundreds of blogs and helping businesses with content and SEO, I learned one important lesson:

Unless you’re an e-commerce brand, you don’t need a website.

If you’re product or service is fantastic, it tends to sell itself. People will tell their friends and family members.

They’ll mention you to their co-workers if your niche comes up in conversation.

If the product or service is top-notch, you’ll get a steady supply of clients.

To acquire new customers, we now have social media and their respective ad systems, exposing us to advertising in ways that were only available to major companies.

We also have email marketing, allowing us to send targeted messages to potential clients.

You can even take customer orders and manage customers using apps and tools, eliminating the need for a website.

I know I mentioned e-commerce brands as the exception, but most can even sell on Etsy, Gumroad, Amazon, and several other marketplaces.



Marvin Marcano
Ascend Content

Personal Development, Fereelancing, and Writing. Becoming a better person. You should too.