Chianakwalam Eliezer
Lead Wallet
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2020

Development and advancement of already developed items (gadgets, automobiles, industrial pieces of equipment, appliances, etc) has been a continuous process through time in the world of humans; it is a never-ending process.

At the time of innovations and inventions, each creation makes a huge impact in the world as soon as it is introduced in its viable form.

But as time goes by, improvements are sought and made by either the inventors themselves or others who build on already existing blueprints.

Let us take cars for example, started with steam engines and the greatest achievement at the time was that it could transport humans. As time went on, however, the first combustion engine came into play and from there, it has been advancement and improvement on already existing modules.

Cars have moved from simply being automobiles for transportation to being owned as luxury properties.

One thing is common among all improvements across various industries; the drive to make things simpler.

Cars for example had manual gearboxes with three pedals which required the human mind to manually shift between gears while using both hands and feet but time has seen the same process move to an automatic nature. Starting a car was only previously possible by turning an ignition with a specific key but today, starting a car can be as simple as pushing a button.

In reality, achieving these amazing milestones come with greater complexity but the beauty of this intricacy is this it all lies at the mechanics and dynamics of the engine and the car user does not concern himself with why or how it works, only that pushing a button turns on the engine.

The blockchain industry has seen a lot of technical projects come and go, many still very promising but the barrier still lies in an average user grasping in totality, the intricacies of the underlying technology; this has been a huge stumbling block as many people lose interest as soon as they step foot into the crypto sphere.

This is where Lead wallet comes into play, keeping all complexities backstage and presenting to the world a platform on the blockchain with the simplest, yet complete interface with futuristic features with the single goal of helping the blockchain industry attain mass adoption.

