Here’s what I read in 2022…reflecting on the years’ learning

Tim Collings
Better Leaders, Better World
5 min readFeb 16, 2023


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

As someone who will be learning until I am no longer breathing, learning intensity is the only variable. In 2022 I chose to intensify my learning specifically in 2 areas, and to be learning most frequently in two ways — reading and learning in on-line developmental communities.

In a series of articles, of which this is the first, I’d like to share with you how I am reflecting on this experience, and what’s emerging for me now as we shift together into a new year of learning. This article forms what I hope is a double offer — to myself to hold space to reflect on my learning, and an offer to you to host yourself in a similar reflection if this one serves as a catayst to do so.

At the start of 2022, I set my intention to read broadly around systemic change, applied organisational and socially, primarily through the lens of living systems. The cadence I hope to maintain being to read 2 books a month as well as tuning into my regular podcasts, reading articles and studying a series of in-depth courses (which you can read about in the next article in this series, coming soon).

Below is the full list of books I read, and what follows is a brief review of the ‘clusters’ that I consider have emerged, including a brief syopsis of each book. I’ve been fortunate to converse with several of these…



Tim Collings
Better Leaders, Better World

Tim writes about his explorations of living systems in life and work as Founder of 4i & host of the Better World Leaders podcast.