Writer’s Block Bullocks

Dr Tom
Better Leaders, Better World
3 min readDec 1, 2020

Writer's block happens. For anyone who writes it's inevitable. Examining how I get into these blocks is a journey in self-exploration and deep thinking. When I get writer's block it’s because:1. I’m either in fear of the quality of what I am writing; 2. I’m in fear that what I have to say is not unique or powerful enough to share; 3. I’m in fear of not writing enough; or 4. I’m in fear of something that is going on in my life, such as financial insecurity, my relationships either personal or professional, or I’m overwhelmed and trying to over-compensate which too is a form a fear.

Today I shared with a group of men that I was keeping in action and trying to put something on the page and struggling through the process. A successful writer in the group gave me advice: 1. smile and have fun while you’re doing it — you’re a writer doing what you want; 2. sometimes you just have to ‘Power Through” and put words on the paper. You can clean it up later. Sage advice is like a warm blanket.

After further examination of myself, I realized I was in freefall because I was in fear that of not being unique which puts me in a spiral of terminal uniqueness — that’s exhausting and terminal to my writing. I also get in fear of ultimately not helping the people for whom this is intended. The reality is, I can never know the outcome. I can only go through the process and let the results speak. I also know that if I don’t do it I will kick myself for not finishing the project. So my only way out is forward and through.

At this juncture, I have two decisions like a fork in the road. Do I go left and continue the process and be miserable or do I go right and smile through the process and try to have fun with it. This is the crux of my decision because I have already decided and committed to finishing this ebook and I’ll end up in the same place. Except for one way, I’ll be miserable or the other I can find enjoyment in the process. I’m choosing to have fun with it. If I can’t be happy or content with it now, I will never be.

Someone else in the group, a very wise man, said that nothing is written, it is rewritten. This takes all the pressure off of me to be unique, one of a kind, or new. I’m regurgitating something we may already know, but packaging it in a more understandable and relatable way, or so I believe. I cannot know your acceptance of the ebook until you have a chance to read it. At that point, you may not like it — but what matters is I tried, I did, I offered and that is all I can control.

I hope this helps someone else today as well. I’ve decided to continue to try to give a daily update as I finish this ebook and share my fears, joys, frustrations and whatever else comes my way.



Dr Tom
Better Leaders, Better World

A man willing to love, smile, laugh, have fun and find the good in and out of adversity