30 Days Of Bible Verses (A Recap)

Mike Phillips
Lead The Team Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2018

So, for 30 days, from March 11, 2018, to April 10, 2018, I read the Bible on Facebook Live.

And, yes, I know that if you do the math… it’s 31 days. I did an intro (Day 0), plus then proceeded to read for 30 days… maybe for extra credit. (You can see the entire playlist and recap it here — 30 Days of Bible Verses and I will drop it at the bottom of this blog).

I did this sort of “30 Day Challenge” only because I had a feeling, something deep down calling me to do this and just start. In fact, I asked my wife, “What about reading the Bible on a Facebook Live? How do you think that would go over?” She thought it was awesome, and thought it would be impactful! So I launched “30 Days of Bible Verses.” Not a lot of production, not a lot of flash. Just me, sharing for three or four minutes a Bible verse that was impacting me at the moment. And sharing how it impacted me, and my interpretation.

Now, it’s important to note, I have minimal training in classical theology. But, I love God, I have my faith, and I was supposed to do this. So I did… I just started.

Some amazing things happened. People watched… lots of them. And asked for more, and commented, shared some verses that were impacting them. It truly became an awesome way to start the day. I really think it worked out… because it’s just me, and a Bible Verse, and a few minutes of passion and fire, and then I go to get on with the day.


People are searching for positivity. They want goodness in their lives; and while it takes some effort, it isn’t hard or difficult in the traditional sense. It doesn’t matter if someone was tuning in as a believer, or someone who doesn’t believe in Christ. It’s okay, the Bible has great lessons for all — on goodness, kindness, character, and morality. So it works for everyone.

When I finished.

I took a five-day break. And what’s crazy, is that I really missed the sense of accomplishment and the positivity that I received from the morning sharing and verse reading. Five days felt like much longer (months). And I decided to launch a new series on my personal Facebook — http://www.facebook.com/MikeShawnPhillips — So that series will be Morning Verses With Mike and be live, weekdays, at 6:15 am MST.

PLUS — I started a channel — for Morning Verses With Mike — or you can click http://bit.ly/MVWMvids to view them on YouTube. In the meantime — here is the playlist for all 30 (31) days of my Bible Verses!

Thank you for reading. And, certainly if you watched a few of the verse sharing. Please check out my channel and SUBSCRIBE at http://www.LeadTheTeam.TV

